Yes it's that time of the year, prom time!
Honestly, even if this is an Academy for teenagers gifted with ablilties, it doesn't mean they can't have a prom. So this prom will be held next Friday through Saturday the 26-27 of July. The prom runs all through the day and night, ending Sunday afternoon. So that should give everyone an opportunity to jump in and attend the prom. The theme is a Four Seaon's Masquerade Ball, so dress up in your best attire.
For the rules and other tid bits, it isn NOT mandatory to have a date, but we prefer you to at least come with a date or a group of friends so you won't be all on your own. Also please stick with the theme. Also be aware, that we will have many contest's and activities prepared for you all, and we would love it if you particapated in at least one.
One contest that will be held before the Prom, is the 'Ask her to Prom,' competition. Basically that's self explantory, the person who comes up with the most creative way to ask their date to the prom wins obviously, and gets a surprise on entering the prom.
All the other activities and other information will be released three days prior of this event. So get your dresses and suits ready boys and girls. Hope to talk to you soon. Questions, Comments, Concerns, Idea's? PM either Kai or Jiyeon.
(Yes I had fun finding all these pictures ;3)
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