THE B♂YFRIEND FACTORY : admin speaking



Hello everyone, this is admin Jongin speaking. We've had a fair amount of roleplayers joining us over the past few weeks, and admin Yixing and I thought it would be a good idea to inform everyone of the rules and address certain matters regarding the system. Please leave a message in the comment section below after you've read this annoucement.

Whether or not you've joined yesterday or two weeks ago, it doesn't hurt to skim the general system of this roleplay. As many of you know, humanoids will not be given an option on who they want to be their owner or 'lover' for a week. Many of you found the solution to this by asking people to buy them as a machine, and us admins encourage old, as well as new dolls to keep it up. First of all, starting 20/08 all buyers who do not own a doll will be privileged to buy one in the catalog within three days. This also goes for the people who newly joined from now on. The idea of this roleplay is to share a life with your humanoid, it's your choice whether or not you get attached to one (hence I ask for drama, angst and more drama pretty please). All dolls are impatiently and eagerly waiting to be taken home. The machine applications are thus closed until further notice, I don't want to go more over the top with massive swarms of dolls and limited buyers. Dolls are always able to change to a buyer position when shown interest.

Second of all, dolls who are activated may only roleplay in two rooms max at a time because they should be with their owner most of the time unless they get lost. However, activated dolls can still roleplay freely on walls until the week is over and you are once again a lifeless machinery. Contracts expire after seven days and the timer in the catalog indicates 0:00 (midnight) EDT of the ending date. For more information about extending your doll's purchase, and the ability to own more than one machine at a time, check out this and this 
announcement. Remember, dolls who are not activated and bought from the catalog are not able to roleplay with anyone except the testers in the factory unless stated otherwise.

I have seen this happening more recently so i'm asking, again, to strictly and only write semi-para or para. We admins do not accept one liners here, seeing as how this is a third pov roleplay your posts need to contain a minimum of 70 words. I've given out more than six warnings in one week, which some roleplayers completely ignored. If I or one of the other admins see another one liner written you'll get a warning or two, and when we were flexible before about tolerating ignorance, we will now kick the roleplayer out of the roleplay if these warnings are ignored. Do also still remember to write OOC talk in bracklets to not confuse anyone. 


Since I've returned from my hiatus there has been a new co-admin added to the list, so please take note of admin Suji checking up on you all. As for the required admin duties I ask my fellow admins to keep on checking the guidebook once in a while and don't forget to greet the new roleplayers and give them a warm welcome. Yixing and I might keep changing and adding things to the room frequently. 

If you have any questions, concern or need calification just ask below in the comment section. Thank you for reading this and your participation, it is always appreciated.

+ Event explanation and application page for dolls.
+ Comment when you've read this announcement please.
+ Happy roleplaying !




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yixingsjiyong 10 years ago
minah read
kimjonghyunofshinee 10 years ago
yongguk read this
ZombieBallz 11 years ago
Shinyeong has read this.
avocado 11 years ago
Sooyeon has read this
ezarelle 11 years ago
I guess I should comment too, Yerim read this.
bunnygel23 11 years ago
Bomi read this
Shante 11 years ago
Sandara read this
jamdii 11 years ago
Taeho have read this
realllllmino 11 years ago
read~ joind ysterday:)
--gummybears 11 years ago
Minyoung has read this ..
OTL I'm so late ToT
aimixiu 11 years ago
Remi has read the announcement!
angel_123 11 years ago
Suji read the announcement~ *v*
notljoe 11 years ago
Ricky has read this announcement, huehuehue~ cx
silverlining 11 years ago
Haebyeol read the announcent ^^
_Unknown 11 years ago
Sen has read the announcement.
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