Hello! If you haven't seen the OOC room, this will update you on what is happening. The Admin left, so I am taking over the RP now. I will be making some pretty big changes, so please bear with me.
First of all, I will be allowing MPREG and Marriage. Because it is confusing to figure out who is what animal, and who is a prince, I will be changing the names to how they were when I originally joined here. For example, If you are rping Lay a prince, your name will be Prince Lay. If you are rping Sehun as a kitty, your name will be Kitty Sehun.
If you would like to adopt a pet, please comment on the Admin's (my) wall. You must have 100 points to get a pet.
If you make/ have made your character a profile complete with a bio, relationship status, ect, you will recieve 50 points. If you want your points, comment on the rp or on this announcement. Also, please comment and tell me what animal your character is or if your character is a prince.
-New Admin/ old Coadmin
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