Sup guys!
Thank you everyone who participated at the PT Valentines day event! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
We will be setting all the rooms back to normal now. If anyone has a problem with this, feel free to message us.
Without further ado, here are the results for the star poll!
Most random- Chanyeol
Triple A- Lay
-on-legs- Kai
Room Phobia- Kyung
Person-you-want-to-take-home-the-most- Luhan
Closet - ..Jonghyun
Roleplay Joker- Chanyeol
Cutest Couple- Tie b/w Bacon Lay couple and Kai Luhan couple
Cheesiest Couple- Bacon Lay couple (with an overwhelming number of votes haha)
Most Unexpected Couple- Chanyeol and Ren
Most Wanted Couple- Kris and Tao
Congratulations to everyone and thanks for voting!
One last thing. Thanks guys for voting on the very last poll aka rating for the event. I'm glad many of you rated 4 stars! And to those of you who voted 2 stars, thanks for being honest! and we would really appreciate it if you would give us feedbacks so that next time we can hold a better event.
Once again, thank you! Stay golden peeps.
(dream girl ahhh)
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