Hello kids, its your charmingly handsome admin Se7en coming at you.
As you all know, we revamped thecity to be a laid back place, where the rooms don't matter and playing on walls is totally cool.
We need more people!
So let's play a game.
If you are online, I need you to advertise.
Here are the rules:
!. create an ad. It can say pretty much anything from "Hey I'm Se7en from thecity. I need my BigBang dongsengs I'm lonely."
as long as you include our link. say whatever to get people to join.
2. Also include a phrase that states you sent the person to join.
"Tell them Se7en sent you"
so we know how the person was referred and so you get the credit.
3. Post in the game room how many ads you sent out.
Its all that simple.
Prizes for most people joining:
First Place gets dinner cooked by Se7en and Rain, plus a room of thier choice open indeffinately and 1500 points.
Second place gets a room of thier company's dorm open for 2 weeks and 1000 points.
Third place gets 750 points.
Prizes for most ads placed.
First place: 1000 points
Second place: 750 points
Third place: 500 points
Questions, Comments, Concerns...
Holla at your Boi
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