I really was expecting you guys to look for the two things but I got no PM's at all this week....so it really upset me. I want to do events for you guys but when I see no participation or effort at all I don't want to do it anymore......maybe I should put in more effort for planning. If this is a reaccuring thing where I make events and no one participates I might delete the roleplay. So participate! It's not that hard....for some I get it your busy for work or school but others have no excuse.
-From Sad Admin Tiffany:-(
On a happy note! As you all may know this is Christmas Month! Their will be either events or an event this month for everyone. So make sure to read upcoming announcements.....hope you all enjoy them! Oh! Also we are starting paring soon! It might be successful it might not, but you guys have to make it work.
-From Happy Winter Admin Tiffany
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