
So I've been seeing this around the past few days. A number of people are straying away from their house's traits. For example, Gryffindors (bold, chivalrous, heroic, daring, etc.) act like Hufflepuffs (friendly, loyal, etc.). Honestly, a lot of you have strayed into the Hufflepuff House's traits. I'm not going to point out certain people but admittedly, this matter is very annoying to me.

I'm not restricting you to your own houses, or telling you to be cliche. I'm telling you to not completely stray into another house's personality. Go ahead and stray from your House's traits a little bit, but not into another House's. If you're going to have a mix of them, at least have the major traits (i.e., Gryffindor values bravery and heroic acts, Ravenclaw is witty and bright [though it's something they work for, not something that's natural], Hufflepuffs are accepting and hardworking, and Slytherins are cunning, determined, have leadership abilities and are manipulative [they aren't always bad guys either.].) At least give the Sorting Hat an effective reason to put you into your respective House. There's that one trait or moral that every single person of your House should have. 

If you have any trouble, feel free to come to any of the admins, and we'll help you out. (Personally, I'd like to offer you the chance to change your House if it's too late to change up your personality, but we'd have to consult main admin Yixing on that.) On to another matter. . . 

Mary / Gary Sues. . . Your character is not perfect. Neither are you. Whether the flaw is within their personality, how people view them, how they live, their academics, their love/social life, their athletic traits -- there has to be one. You can't miraculously ace your classes while lazing around. You can't be popular, smart, athletic, looks, and have a gorgeous boyfriend/girlfriend. Add some flaws to your personality, be a if you're both athletic and smart, be a lazy little who ends up failing classes despite being smart, attractive, and athletic. Do something so that you're not perfect. This is a rule. Follow it. Lastly. . . 

Prefects. Prefects do not just become prefects because they're smart. They become prefects because they're fairly exemplary students who can pose as rolemodels to other students. There is a reason as to why you were appointed Prefect by the Headmaster. They shouldn't be little s who cast spells on others, or mistreat/prank others. You're supposed to be giving out detention to those who misbehave, not receiving detention. Some prefects abuse their power (i.e., bully younger years or unnecessarily deduct points -- Draco we're all looking at you.) because it's a part of their personality, but not to the extent that they are immature pricks. 

That ends the announcement for now. Once again, us admins are here to help. We're not just here to add rooms, update the wishlist and hiatus list, accept and reserve characters. 

Head Girl of Gryffindor,




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pandaboo 11 years ago
To be fair James Potter was prefect and he was a little o3o
but yes I get what you're saying kkkkk <3
hagscore 11 years ago
yoongi has read it......long time ago.
sorry i just commented .-.
chiminey 11 years ago
Naeun has read it o3o
--beau 11 years ago
Taemin has read it~
Edited my desc to make the Gryffindor traits and negative traits more evident than before c:
misanthrxpe 11 years ago
ken has read! o/
panda_x 11 years ago
I feel like I also violated some of these rules ;; I'm sorry I'll make my character more Gryffindor-esque orz I'm sorry Q~Q
-Tiffany had read this o/
teardrop 11 years ago
baek has read! c:
fxckery [A] 11 years ago
comicsans 11 years ago
Opened, read and (hopefully) abided by. ♥ ( it's a pun off of signed, sealed and delivered. ; U ; )

/crawls off to check profile again
kiriyama 11 years ago
OnO ; I feel like I've violated everythin'
kuudere 11 years ago
stares at my profile





i'll tweak it a bit more??? OTL
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