Lord Luhan's Coming-Of-Age Celebration


The Honorable Dominos and Domina of Kwangju

cordially invite you

to Lord Luhan of Kwangju's

Coming-Of-Age Ceremony

celebrating the Young Master's

18th birthday.


Friday, on the XIII day

of the XII month

in the Ludus of the

Kwangju Palace.

Come bearing gifts of

slaves and precious items.





((Hey guys!^^ Admin Chasing here~ So, Luhan's 18th B-day is approaching and despite recent tragedies (aka Minyeong and Red's deaths), he must celebrate it!

So, post in the Ludus on Friday, December 13th!

Come with gifts!



BTW, Dominos Zelo and Seoul gladiators, don't try anything.

Security will be top-notch, and if you try to harm a hair on his pretty little head...

/slicing motion/




See you there and post below if you read this!))


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daftbearaveo 10 years ago
Aron read this
Eternal_Maknae 10 years ago
Ailee read this..
nekojita 10 years ago
Kyungsoo has read this
sprezzatura 10 years ago
luhan has read this!

although ahem....
i won't be able to come on the thirteenth..
i have a prom to go to...
CantTouchDis 10 years ago
/snickers evilly/
puddin 10 years ago
Shinyeonggie has read this.
-effervescent 10 years ago
sooyeon has read this.
ashflower 10 years ago
Daehyun has read this
JCH21753 10 years ago
Kev's read it.
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