03. Re-opened & layout refurnished.


The rp is once again open for everyone's comfort use. May this once be again active like it used to be. So for those inactive character, please do something about it to avoid getting kicked out for once an outsider had requested to apply as your character, a high possiblity of getting kicked out is to be anticipated so please make use of your character wisely and make use of the rooms. We don't want this to die right away.

With regards to the former layout, I had refurnished it to where the ease of editting is just a copy-and-paste away. I made sure that what you exactly see on the edit mode shall be the product of the layout, once, save character button is pressed. Morever, with the previous re-setting of RPR, the former layout had also been affected with it so I encourage you to use the current and refurnished layout. This way, people would easily find it easier to read everything written on your profile.

For those who haven't made their profile yet, please have it done right away. You are not ought to or restricted to the layout being given, you may use other layouts, given that the necessary informations are written there, i.e. avaialability, background of your character, likes/preferences for your partner, and the basics, for others would like to know your character's interests.

Should there any be more questions, feel free to raise them.


If you had this read announcement, please post inside the log book saying, "(name) welcomes the coming of 2014 and anticipates a better and more fruitful experience." Additional 5 points shall be given, other than the usual logged in posts. 


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Knightmare [A] 11 years ago


Karine 11 years ago
Where's the refurnished layout? I tried the one linked but it shows it jumbled up once I click save.
jaskaismystery1 11 years ago
Can I just praise you for doing all of this stuff. Like holy mother heck this all must've taken awhile to do. Good job, good job. /pats your back;
Sailor_Starlight 11 years ago
Are can we go ahead and apply for our reserved character then?
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