〈 ↺┊告白する。
confession // admin notes
051 // "so,I was like..dude..hyeri have a nice okay.. don't you dare to laying hand on her >0<" — anon (luhan: lol what #stillshippingmarkri) (kris: these confessions about hyeri's - #needtocheckout #hotdamn)
052 // "I feel bad.. I meant hyeri's my queen /cries" — anon (luhan: ... #stillshippingmarkri) (kris: #markri)
053 // "You guys don't know how hard it is to not want to take ownership for my work! Like Luhan and Yoona of ya'll get married I'll sing 49 for you at your wedding. Ok back to spamming." — anon (kris: #iwannabe the organiser #becauseillfillthewedding #withhashtagtalk)
054 // "I confess I like krease! <3" — sooyoung (luhan: #krisoolove) (kris: #<44444 #puttinginthecoupleslist #justcoz #yehet)
055 // "Sumin is beautiful. Nuff said #notjonghyun" — anon (luhan: #totallyjonghyun) (kris: #needtocheckoutalldemgirls #whoops)
056 // "Come here. Come here. Let me move your body baby. Let me touch you. And girl I'll give you electricity. Open your legs and I'll fill you up baby." — anon (luhan: #vealfordinner) (kris: #whosthis #ineedtomeetyou)
057 // "Why did you guys ship markri so hard? -Mr?-" — anon (luhan: god it's adorable & so many moments-) (kris: because they're #slightly #ierthankrisoo #whichisagreatachievement)
058 // "I'm dead...the confession are getting weird day by day.. and this my second confession tbh /slapped/" — anon (luhan: yes ikr dear ;;) (kris: #whut #imlovingit #cwidt #peace)
059 // "i confess #hashtags are making me #high #inthesky #wherebirdsfly #yay" — kris
060 // "I confess all the hashtags are giving me headaches..." — tia (kris: #sorrybruh)
060 // "I confess that being a newbie cause you don't know anyone and can't join in anything because you don't know anything." — wendy
061 // "I understand you're desperate for boys, but if you could stop ignoring the girls, we would love to help you." — anon (luhan: #imnotagirl #butthisistrue #thetruthisreal)
062 // "teaya looks like a tomato" — anon (luhan: #lolwhat)
063 // "omf..why so many guy want to kiss hyeri? /cries I am here if you need a kiss hyeri /panned" — anon (luhan: hyeri gull im here for you its hard being a guy magnet hm)
064 // "I'm y and I know it" — anon (luhan: #girllookatthatbody)
065 // "I want to snuggle with someone What does it mean? A transition from napping/cuddling to sensual , followed by passionate, rough aka, I really want to hold you and be close, but let's go to pound town on the truck." — anon (luhan: escuzi what is this)
066 // "Damn you hyeri..why so hot and cute? <<¦" — anon (luhan: all dem s be looking at my bby hyeri e n ep #bigbrodoesnotapprove #yes #opparluhan #excuseme)
067 // "I LOVE YOU GUYS \o/" — anon (luhan: #ily2 ♡)
068 // "#iconfess #kreasegd #issogay #yesgay #soGAY" — g-dragon (luhan: #heyhey #newshipname #2dragon #what)
069 // "I confess that I'm awesome" — sunny (luhan: #69 sunny noona gets the 69th confession ;; /immature also yes you're very awesome hearts)
070 // "I confess that I want babies. /slapped." — bom (luhan: go make babies with top pls #topbombabiespls)
071 // "i confess Im tired of the spam/crack confessions " — anon (luhan: me too otl.)
072 // "maybe we can see markri baby? /slapped hard" — anon (luhan: yespls.)
073 // "coughshyerihaveanicebuttcoughs" — anon (luhan: )
074 // "http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BOtNiugCQAADZMs.jpg:large I AM CRYING" — anon (luhan: OHMYGOD IM CRYING)
075 // "Why does everyone want Hyeri? Shoutout to Yuri noona's <3" — anon (luhan: but seriously why does everyone want hyeri #yoonaswhereitsat #toobadyoucanthaveher #luyoonpeasants)
076 // "I want to do dirty things to Sojin" — anon (luhan: imsorrywhat #girlsdays)
077 // "I don't like seeing you with him" — anon (luhan: oh drama)
078 // "Omfg...#ItsBYGday let me shower you with love yongguk oppa..just for today <3 #slapped #nothyeri #gukhye #yonghye #ItsBYGday" — anon (luhan: lmao hye #shipping)
079 // "ChanYul could be one of the cutest and hottest couple. There's also YurHun. Skinship freaks. But I ship them all. ChanYulHun!" — anon (luhan: gurl)
080 // "I'm so jealous of yuri." — anon (luhan: oh more drama)
081 // "Yuri, Chanyeol, Sehun... bed now." — anon (luhan: oh more ships)
082 // "Are Chanyeol and Yuri dating? Stalking them since last night and they are too hot. Mushy and well hot. Get married and make babies" — anon (luhan: #chanyul)
083 // "No fair, how can Chanyeol makeout with Yuri, and I can't?!" — anon (luhan: #yulyeol)
084 // "i just come here 1 days ago and...i like you hyeri..just want to say that <3" — anon (luhan: #noseriously #togettohyeri #youhavetogetthroughherbro #akame #sono)
085 // "soyou is the hottest chick in town and people have to worship her." — anon (luhan: #isthissoyou)
086 // "kyungsoo is manly *^* #notkyungsoo /shot" — anon (luhan: #thisiskyungshoe)
087 // "stop flirting with my queen hyeri guys /slapped" — anon (luhan: #isthismark #orisityoungmin)
087 // "let me give y'all mah babaehs" — anon (luhan: ok cool)
088 // "when you think there's no way out... LOVE is the only way..." — anon (luhan: #hichaenoona)
089 // "Seulgi is a hawt layde-- princess #hashtagnotprincessseulgi" — anon (luhan: #hiseulgi)
090 // "LUNEW . u . ❤" — anon (luhan: #shiiiiips)
091 // "i work out e u e #notkyungshoeeither" — anon (luhan: #otlkyungowl)
092 // "I will make sure you love me Hyeri /fists pump" — anon (luhan: #bigbrohannie #iswatchingyou #overprotectiveoppar #whoisthispls)
093 // "i feel kinda bad when mark talks about hyeri so much, i love him so much but he does not even notice me. What do i need to do, for you to notice me, Mark ? I am so damn in love with you but i am sure you dont feel the same way about me. Maybe i should just leave." — anon (luhan: #damn #drama)
094 // "i hate it when guys only talks with girls, seriously, much ? same with girls who only talks with boys. guys you should talk with everyone." — anon (luhan: #ikr #truthhurts)
095 // "Seriously. The hashtags annoys me. :/" — anon (luhan: #gotalktokrisaboutthathoney)
096 // "i somehow ship #kyungsoyou they are...weird together" — anon (luhan: lemmegostalkpls)
097 // "Do you ever think we can be something more? I do - From your boy" — anon (luhan: aw ;; cute <3)
098 // "He's so sweet and y at the same time I'm falling for this silly namja" — anon (luhan: aw ;; cute too <3)
099 // "do you really love me like the way I love you? ;;" — anon (luhan: since when have the people in this rp been so deep omf)
100 // "I has ual frustrations, with no one to take it out on. e n e" — anon (luhan: either go to jaebum or some y lady otl.)
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