〈 ↺┊告白する。
confession // admin notes
151 // "I miss Kim Woo bin so bad. *pouts*" — anon (luhan: did he leave? ;A; otl i should know this i'm an admin)
152 // "Just a friendly reminder: Romantic St. has no negative drama to begin with. So don't start any. <3 Or I'll punish you with my whip. <3" — anon (luhan: #truedat)
153 // "i wanna be shinhye's sekshi lover" — anon (luhan: #parkshinhye #allthemguys #wantapieceofher #killed #okno)
154 // "i wanna be forever single." — anon (luhan: but isn't that lonely-)
155 // "gosh...i dont know what i feel anymore (╥_╥) // hyeri //" — anon (luhan: i'm here for you bby sis ;; /huggles.)
156 // "I don't know who to love, I'm so confused." — anon (luhan: follow your heart dear ♡)
157 // "All the single ladies! (All the single ladies!) All the single ladies, now put your hands up! Cause if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it, if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it. WHOA OH OH -the only hispanic in rom st. tbh" — anon (luhan: #hitia)
158 // "Daehyun....I love you..." — anon (luhan: o v ob)
159 // "is something happen on hyeri?" — anon (luhan: she has some emotional issues going on o n o)
160 // "hyeri baby..come to me..dont be sad ; n ;" — anon (luhan: /cries.)
161 // "Shin Hye Unnie, Plese don't take my oppa and everyone's oppa away. /pouts/" — anon (luhan: notsureifthiscountsasnegativedrama)
162 // "I LOVE CHEESECAKES!!! #totallynotdaehyun" — anon (luhan: #totallydaehyun)
163 // "I wanted to be paired up, thinking that this would be fun but frankly it isn't. This monkey balls, I mean I say Hi to the guy and he says Hi. That is all that has happened and that happen, who can be paired to that. I rather be single and become a cat lady," — anon (luhan: whoever this is, just pm me and we'll talk about it, okay? c:)
164 // "PARK SHINHYE! PARK SHINHYE! PARK SHINHYE! SARANGHAE! SARANGHAE! SARANGHAE!" — anon (luhan: well shinhye's popular-)
165 // "Okay that's it. You are really babo. Babo Daehyun. I like you and the end." — anon (luhan: dae you're really popular o n o)
166 // "I have a crush on parkchanyeol but he's so stupid to not notice me :( -KAGOOOBUUUUULLLLLLLS!
167 // "everybody is ignoring me" — anon (luhan: pls talk to me o/ i shall not neglect you o/)
168 // "i can never get your attention... :( I'm too boring and she's so cool.. ;A;" — anon (luhan: just talk to her #luhansadvice #reallysucks)
169 // "lets jump" — anon (luhan: #crayonpop)
170 // "mister mister /dances around in pink tutus. BI p.s. i am a guy e u e" — anon (luhan: wha-)
171 // "Qri is so cute <3 I'm in love with her #notqri" — anon (luhan: i like how some of you guys are confessing to yourselves lol.)
173 // "BANG MINAH! NO ONE'S GONNA MAKE YOU A 'FOREVER ALONE' ROOM 'CAUSE YOU'RE NOT ALONE! I'm so here! Heeellooo?? See mee?? HEEELLOOOO??? I'M HERE FOR YOU! From: The newest member of Girl's Day" — anon (luhan: isthisyura)
174 // "Kim Woo Bin, please be active again. I need you. :(" — anon (luhan: aw ;; once he finishes exams, he'll come back hopefully ; n ;)
175 // "See? I know he likes Minah...." — anon (luhan: #tired)
176 // "I love you Kim Soo Hyun. <3" — anon (luhan: IS THIS PPANY NOONA)
177 // "#ChanYulFever is slowly dying. Chanyeol where are you? Yuri is alone." — anon (luhan: #crying)
178 // "something's wrong, Yuri seems...not Yuri at all. please bring back that funny, happy and caring Yuri" — anon (luhan: #morecrying)
179 // "I AM BORED OF LOVE CONFESSIONS HERE- TT.TT" — anon (luhan: BUT THEYRE SWEET #matchmakingrppls)
180 // "OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE OP-OP-OP OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE~~~" — anon (luhan: #evenmorecrying)
181 // "I-I-I-I I'M A I-I-I-I I'M A MOTHER FATHER GENTLEMEN ~~~" — anon (luhan: #whatisthis)
182 // "I'M A CRAZY - !!!!!! YEAAAAH" — anon (luhan: #yeah #truth)
183 // "kyungsoo, i really like you a lot- no i mean loves you. A LOT. every time your hand touched mine, it makes my hearts fluttered." — anon (luhan: aaaawww ; w ;)
185 // "i like myungsoo but he doesn't notice me. he likes somebody else." — anon (luhan: oh drama)
186 // " GOT A - GOT A akjehdbsbsbvsvd" — anon (luhan: oh my god what the buck #deerslang #credittoluhan #waahah)
187 // "YOLOOOOOO" — anon (luhan: #sweg /killed.)
188 // "I HATE MYSELF- AND I LOVE MYSELF- CUZ I'M STUPID" — anon (luhan: how-)
189 // "GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY BABY~~~~" — anon (luhan: no srsly wheres jay)
190 // "I'M Y AND I KNOW IT B)" — anon (luhan: #iworkout)
191 // "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no." — anon (luhan: -)
192 // "I'M SO STUPID *-*" — anon (luhan: uuuuughhhghhhhbhhjhhgv)
193 // "no. one. replies. to. me. I. can't. with. life." — anon (luhan: you guys should learn how to keep a conversation odg.)
194 // "Seo Joohyun-ah... I love you :)" — anon (luhan: ihaveafeelingiknowwhothisis-)
195 // "oh pls, no drama ;; don't start any drama." — anon (luhan: #nodramapls)
196 // "Time is an essence you can't mess up with. The longer you take to confess is the faster you'll see me go." — anon (luhan: aw ;; someone confess to this poor soul ;;)
197 // "@173 i want a forever alone room :P since i plan to be alone and single for lyfe. i know someone who lieks you, but i wont spill who it is. #asmuchasilikeyouitisntme #justsayin i know i have you, you're my no. 1 fanboi #stilldoesntmeanyoubemyfavtho. thank you for being here with meh. < 3 -bang bang" — anon (luhan: hi minah o/)
198 // "Now, I know why Daehyun has a lot of lovers. I can't even resist him too." — anon (luhan: #daehyunpls)
199 // "TIFANNY NOONA!!!!!! saranghaeee........ I hope you notice me......" — anon (luhan: #ono)
200 // "I wish I could tell you how much I love you Jung Daehyun..." — anon (luhan: geez someone just confess to daedae)
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