Worker Occupations


Those who work in the asylum, either willing came or were forced here by the government. Regardless of how they got here, they have more freedom than the patients, but even they aren't allowed to leave very much. They stay in a home just behind the asylum in walking distance of it. 


Guards [ protect the workers from rabid patients, break of fights, guard the corridors at night, watch the courtyard, etc. ]

Counselors [ solve any issues/misunderstands between patients and workers, play with the patients in the courtyard, help those who are incapable of doing things for themselves ]

Therapists [ work with all the patients, do emotional counseling sessions once a month every month for every patient, work more with the mentally ill patients ] 

Nurses/Doctors [ heal any injuries patients and workers acquire ]

Maids [ clean up after the patients/workers ] 

Cooks [ serve food in the cafeteria ]

Teachers [ help the mentally slow by trying to get them caught up to society's standards, teach the younger patients as well ] 

Scientists Advanced Doctors [ called advanced doctors by the government, they experiment on the patients, testing new drugs, trying to figure out how to rid of the unsavory genes, etc. ]


These are all the jobs allowed in the asylum, however if you have ideas for more, feel free to ask.


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