New roleplay: the Multiverse

Tags multiverse 

For those who haven't noticed yet, I made a new roleplay like 2 days ago call The Multiverse.

I'm trying out yet another new concept of roleplaying; where you're not obligated to stay as the same character or do what everyone else is doing, or be in the central theme.

in fact, there's not central theme at all. It's like a bookshelf, a collection of different mini universes in each room that may or may not be related to other universes in the rp.

when you're done with a universe, when you get tired of it or you killed off your character, or simply wish to leave, you can just leave without leaving the whole rp.

if you don't even want that character anymore, you're welcome to leave it and apply for another. We're going to call this character hopping. It's not expected of you to stay in one or two characters for a long term commitment. It's like havng a one night stand with all the characters available to you as long as other people arent occupying it. I don't know how a can work in this case though.

it's intended for each universe to have their own rules, where they want the *smacks your ass8 hey bby lol or if they want the epic 3rd pov para rp. It's started off as more of a casual 3rd pov so far.

so come join, for those of you who like being in new rps from the beginning XD


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soojmooj 11 years ago
Awesome! I'll check it out(:
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