♡《 Apego : Sneak Peek : Taking reservations now! 》♡

Tags sneakpeek 
the admins ( scroll )
Matthew Kim
Main Admin
Co Admin
Co Admin
Co Admin
Co Admin
about the roleplay
Apego: meaning addiction or attatchment.

RULES & Guidelines TO FOLLOW
1.) Favourite the rp- it's a must. Applications won't be accepted till you do so. 4 characters per account for now. No point limit required, just keep them active.
2.) All orientations and internationals welcomed
3.) No character limit and no point limit required. If any character that isn't your main goes inactive, it will be removed without warning.
4.) Reservations last for 24 hours. You may extend reservations if needed.
5.) If RPing a minor, please do not ualize them!!
6.) If leaving or going on hiatus, please pm an admin. Hiatus lasts 2 weeks/semi-hiatus lasts for a month.
7.) IC drama is welcomed but keep OOC drama outta here.
8.) inactive sign pops up after 5 days! You get 1 inactive warning, you'll have 24 hours to get rid of it before being kicked.
9.) Be respectful towards everyone- this includes talking to everyone possible. No one likes being ignored and left out so please be curdious towards everyone. The password is face!
10.) Most roleplays won't allow face chasing... and this roleplay doesn't either. Don't do it, it the fun outta everything.
Name: (ex. Kang Yongjin)
Age: (REAL age, please)
Occupation: (please keep occupations appropriate for your character's age)



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shinyechan 7 years ago
if he's still avaliable, a+r jeon jungkook?
ahjussi 7 years ago
oi i thought i was gonna have somin ;;
acuteassmess 7 years ago
this was smart + reserve jeon somin for me pls !
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