Have you ever felt so overcome with the desire to create things, specifically roleplays in this context, but not to do anything with them? Recently, I've really just wanted to go through the whole process of making roleplays, creating stories and colour palettes and coding and designing over and over again, yet felt a loss of muse. This isn't just muse in the places I'm currently in but even for the places I want to create.
At that note, I also feel like I don't want to put these places out because as much as I love running roleplays, they always become so unsuccessful. I feel like whenever I say this, people think I'm looking for attention and compliments. I actually feel like people will think that way a lot which is why you'll find me so quiet about complaints past simple things, but I'm just stating something here. Whenever I make things in the past and work hard on them, my effort feels wasted. I think if I never put these places out there then my effort won't feel wasted even though no one is participating.
Maybe this is just because I get the whole experience and it's like storytelling, creating a world, but I get the whole design aspect. It's a very rewarding thing.
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