Does a noncrack, nonau even work on this platform?


If there was one created, where casual spam was just allowed in a casual talk room, would people join it? Some RPs attempt or claim to do this, but it's never really enforced by an admin and so these RPs just end up like all the others.

I feel like there is a demand for it. There are plenty of nonau rpers who want to rp like back before everything became crack. There are so many nonaus where there's literally zero RP happening in rooms and it's all concentrated to crack in a chat room.

So would people be willing to join an rp that cracked down on crack if it was created?


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almondmilk 6 years ago
I’d definitely join
schnuggldiwuppdich 6 years ago
Uuuh... there are rps without crack
Like mine *whispers*
tattooedinreverse 6 years ago
So down
psychologist 6 years ago
theres already one on the way - i think zeilger and duizhang (rpr users) are two of the four admins!
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