✩ :: we all have multiple personalities (in real life + roleplay)


So a very long time ago I had a revelation whilst playing multiple muses in a single roleplay. In actuality, it was more of a comparison, and said comparison was how roleplaying different charas- despite it still being you though only behind a faceclaim- is quite a lot like Multiple Personality Disorder. Now if you don't think this is a totally outrageous thought just from having read the title, then you're probably thinking that at this moment. Granted, it sounds crazy, and there shouldn't be a way as to how roleplaying our favorite muses is similiar to such a psychological condition. However, do hear me out cause I can't help but to feel like that whenever I step into a roleplay and become my chara. Same applies for living outside of this virtual world except I never saw things in this light until after I stumbled upon a video covering this topic. Who knows? You just might agree with me! The video portrays a more in depth version, but I can't make any promises that I won't do the same.

As roleplayers we all know that when it comes to this hobby of ours the proper thing to do is to become one with the chara(s) we play. Thus not having the real you intefer unless if you're talking out of character; in which case the usage of brackets is reccommended. ( [ ] ( ) { } ) Who you are outside the chara is not who you are whilst in chara, yet at the same time do we portray our muses in the perspective we see them in. Whether they're actually like that or not is a matter of if you're in a nonau or au roleplay. An exception to being yourself while in chara is if the person irl has a similiar personality to yours, and as someone who plays very relatable charas; I don't need to put much effort. However, I still channel the person so their image is legit and not ruined unlike how some people tend to make them.

Going off on the focus on channeling; the ways in which we choose to depict how our muse should act is more of a subconscious action. We don't stop and think on how we want to act. We just do it. No offense, but if you're naturally more of a serious roleplayer; then most likely you'll play the faceclaim in a more professional manner. If you're not so serious and are mainly focused on the fun aspect; you most likely go the spontaneous route and base your charas actions merely off how you feel. Whether we're in chara or not; you can't deny that there's different switches in your mindset that shift to different personas. Each one is a part of yourself, but ironically is somebody totally different. These personas in mention can be activated anytime under your control or not and the possiblity for more than a single persona to be present is likely.


For example;

Me as The Host/The User: calm, reserved, doesn't mark myself on whether i'm a top, bottom, switch, nor has any sort of ual desire, has a mixed balance of masculinity and feminiminity, has a hard edgy outer shell but soft insides, and jokes around a tad more than being serious yet still mature

Me as my Oliver Sykes muse: leans more towards being a top/dominant, romantic, is more serious and acts professional, masculine af

Me as my Ryan Ross muse: very soft, total bottom, well rounded personality, intelligent

Me as my Ethan Nestor muse: bubbly, man - child, purposely acts cute and knows he's a cutie, nerd

Me as my Kellin Quinn muse: mother figure, gentleman, super kind, responsible

Me as my Mat Musto (aka Blackbear) muse: savage, has a drive, total flirt, major gangsta vibes


If i'm playing as only one muse in a roleplay, I don't have to worry about any of the others coming into play unless otherwise. On another note, to anyone who has interacted with my charas; obviously you know I like them to speak for both themselves and I on ocassion by not having them not bother to put brackets around specific ooc matter. Instead, they will address us as " We ", if not " My User ". When engaging in conversation with friends, and i'm definitely sure i'm not the only person who does this; i'll freely talk about my charas as if they're actual people. (They obviously are irl, but still) Saying stuff along the lines like; " Oh you know Oliver would do that. " or " Mat wants all the hunnies ". To be addressed by the chara's name, however, is different. If someone knows you as that particular chara, tis becomes more of a nickname and who they associate you, the user, with. Now because I tend to be extra; my multiple rp subpersonalities do contain their own likes, interests, music taste, etc. Another example; if i'm playing Ryan Ross, i'll most likely listen to some country, romance tunes, or particularly P!ATD. On the other hand, if i'm Kellin Quinn, i'll listen to either pop punk, indie, or oldies music. If i'm Ethan Nestor, i'll listen to video game soundtracks, pop, or cover artists. Each muse has their own personalized playlist and the one's who have more of a ual rather than romantic orientation share one massive vibes playlist. You never know when you'll need it. ;)

And of course each muse has their own set of switches within their minds. By this I mean mood wise cause us humans obviously have e m o t i o n s that are switches, and each triggers different behavior acts. (I mean this aside from listening to certain tunes based off your current mood.) Let us dive into the other side of subpersonalities; ourselves. With each part of your overall personality and the emotions that are most fitted for these various parts causes a shift in your being. Know that i'm not comparing this to DID, for the different sides of myself aren't full personas who have their own names, roles, you get it. Nevertheless, us individuals are our own unique puzzle. To figure us and even ourselves out, our pieces need to be observed and put together to fully create what is, well, you and me. We got our quirks, interests, style, taste, etc. and those very things is what helps make up our subpersonalities. Yet again we'll use I as an example.


#1 - I'm both feminine AND quite masculine. So there are days where the more girly side of myself wants to come out and dress up all nice whereas I feel hella gorgeous when I look in the mirror. Other days i'll decide to wear all black, a hoodie, tie my hair back and wear a snapback, sport a pair of converse, and behold there would be the masculine version of myself. 

#2 - I have a cute/soft side where i'll want to coo over anything and everything adorable, bounce around happily like a kid who's getting a new toy and be a squealing mess, or drowning in feels. If not that, i'll be embracing the more casual side. That be by playing video games, making obscene references, cursing, you get it. If neither of those, i'll be channeling the " professional " part of myself and be practicing my singing, focusing on writing, fixing something/working on tasks involving the mechanisms of electronics, etc. 

#3 - I'm an ambivert, so I have double sides in regards to how I act in a social setting. In public, my social skills are honestly terrible; i'm awkward af, can't make much eye contact, am totally reserved... BUT, online I am a total chatterbox, I want to call/video chat my friends, I can be myself...Then again, it all depends on who i'm talking to. 


In conclusion, In summary; I believe the fact that everyone has multiple personalities hidden inside our souls. Y'all don't have to agree, for this is coming from my own perspective on it after having watched the vid linked above. If you got any thoughts, feel free to comment them below!  Also this could've been a major waste of time or it was worth it. Idk, but here ya go lol.


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2071592144a30d5705e9 6 years ago
xuxiii 1 hour ago Reply

kagaki 11 hours ago Reply
This was very interesting to read o/

also it was sm relatable in a way ; u ;
e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 6 years ago
kagaki 6 years ago
This was very interesting to read o/
vanillachaii [A] 6 years ago
x Minus all the bad parts included in actually having MPD/DID x
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