i'm so ing happy.


tomorrow i will get a step closer to transitioning. i will finally meet a therapist who will hopefully help me find out what possibilities of transitioning will be best for me. it's 11:30 pm right now and i'm crying tears of pure joy right now. i'm finally getting closer to winning over my gender dysphoria. i'm finally getting closer to what i actually am - i'm finally getting closer to not having to be paranoid and depressed about how to make my chest look flatter than possible, the sound of my voice, the looks of my body in general. i'm getting closer to something absolutely incredible and yeah i'm crying tears of joy right now. i'm so excited.

i plan to document my process of transitioning but i'm not sure whether i want to do that through youtube or a blog yet and i hope to be a help for transgender people and to encourage them to act and show possibilities on how to deal with gender dysphoria, therapy and just the changes i experience throughout that whole transitioning process.

i'm so blessed to have people like my friends in my life. thanks to all my friends for ALWAYS being there for me and for accepting me as i am. like i'm so thankful for everything you all gave me. thank you for being so nice and open for everything. you guys are why i dared to come out to my class, and to my dad. both them and my dad are supportive, and i honestly feel so damn blessed. i can't wait to share my experiences with transitioning from female to male, and i can't wait to finally being able to connect my brain with my body and to finally feel confident about myself - without having to worry and think about myself too much. it's still a hella long way to go of course, but god i'm so ing happy. lord.


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realllllmino 5 years ago
congrats, boo ♡ even though you probably don't know who i am, but i'm genuinely happy for you!
e77a4cdcc9a067ac4de7 5 years ago
Vivaldi 5 years ago
ASDJFLASFALSFAF CONGRATS SWEETIE AND GOOD LUCK!!!! that's honestly such a dream that not everyone gets to make a reality. i'm so glad that you get this opportunity ; v ;
epsilon 5 years ago
aahhh I’m late but congratulations omg!!
fluffmeister 5 years ago
i'm so jealous ;; but i'm so happy for you baby!! this is so wonderful!!
henggarae 5 years ago
i'm so happy for you bub!
<3 you deserve the world~
kawaiitrashpile 5 years ago
spams clapping hands emoji
I’m so ing proud of you b omfg
1069516efe8cb1773899 5 years ago
aww yay
so proud of you young k ^^
you got boy you go ♥
b5fff60527f81bae6d3e 5 years ago
Awww I am so happy to hear that and I hope everything goes well for you.
quarter-life 5 years ago
IM a c tually so happy for yoy
BambiiBlossoms 5 years ago
im so happy for you (/ ; A ;)/ ❤❤❤
pinkopal 5 years ago
I'm so happy for you o u o
4be3db1a62932740ed69 5 years ago
im so so so so happy for you tbh and even if we dont really know each other that much i support you ; u ; best of luck in this proccess <33333
acuteassmess 5 years ago
I am happy and proud of you, love! I support dis ❤
ruotianz 5 years ago
omg bubby i’m so happy for you i’m literally gonna cry frubehwkwbwkw
i love you
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