do you put your arms through the sleeves first or do you put your head through the head hole first?


do you put your arms through the sleeves first or do you put your head through the head hole first?


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Jinhyuk01 5 years ago
Depends, I do both eue
Moguri 5 years ago
Usually arms first.

It took me way too long to figure out the answer to this question. I took off and put ob my shirt like three times to be sure.
unrevealed 5 years ago
Thats a deep question, it srsl took me a while to think about it lmao
unrevealed 5 years ago
I do sleeves first
dubulge 5 years ago
normally, head first, but i sometimes ( read: rarely ) go for arms first
daftbearaveo 5 years ago
Depends on the day I'm having
wikihow 5 years ago
i put in one arm to test the waters then i put in my head.
then i put in the other arm if there's room.
babyfangz 5 years ago
hakyeomma 2 minutes ago Reply
depends, truly, on the shirt

but most of the time head hole first c:
BambiiBlossoms 5 years ago
i put my legs through the arm holes.
levanter 5 years ago
depends, truly, on the shirt
orbitinsomnia 5 years ago
sleeves first
nekojita 5 years ago
i do sleeves first
buppyuto 5 years ago
arm through the head hole
1069516efe8cb1773899 5 years ago
head through the head hole first
teddygraham 5 years ago
Head through the head hole first
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