My experience at the dentist today

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So as some of you know, especially those who rp with me ... These past few days i took a hiatus because i'm a fking mess ..  my bottom left wisdom tooth hurts like hell and bc of that 2 of my other teeth hurt as well and the gum is swollen in that area, not to mention my ear hurts too. And i'm pretty sure my teeth troll me cuz i was to my first check up and my right side was in pain (my wisdom tooth is on the left) i got there and they started looking in my mouth ..the moment i opened my mouth ,my teeth stoped hurting ..i think they realised what was going on and went like O_O we fked up.. time to move . And for the durarion of my check up nothing hurt anymore , i was ok. The moment i got home my wisdom tooth started to hurt and my gum to swole and it was rly bad.

Anyway, this morning i go to have my teeth removed and i had no freaking ideea what will happen ..never went to the dentist in 28years, i didnt needed untill now.

I was waiting on the hallway with my heart as small as a flee and my clenched :))

There was already a kid inside and she was screaming and crying and i was like..naaah shes just a kid its normal to be like that ^^"

After her was a guy who just like her needed to have drainage bc of puss and stuff like that. He was a bit noisy as well and i had no ideea what is going on there O_O

Finally it was my turn and when the nurse called for me my legs suddenly werent responding anymore ..i was supposed to go forward they wanted to run away :))

So i got inside the cabinet and for some reason i was expecting to see a doctor with his clothes covered in blood with some weird drill in his hand :)) but when i got inside i saw a lady , shorter than me , talking nicely to me , smiling all the time and i felt so relieved ..thinking ok , its a woman, she has a lighter hand i wont feel too much ,im golden... Turns out she was just the nurse :)) and from another room came this Shrek of a person beeing like, so ..youre next ? And letting his hand on my shoulder, the moment he did that i felt like i got twice as shorter than i was :)) ..he was like, so are you ready ? I was looking at him beeing ^^" im still debating :)))

I got on the chair and he came to open my mouth, the moment he did that , seeing how he just pulled on my mouth with no regard whatsoever  i tought thats the end of me :)) i wanted to take my phone and text my friends and family goodbye :))

Then something Godly happened ...the nurse asked me if i wanna be put to sleep with the gass or have a IV that will make me not feel a thing...and i was like O_O whait what ? Sleep ? You mean you'll put me to sleep ? And i wont feel a thing ? ... Yes i know even a child should know that but its my first time i had no ideea u_u leave me alone ...

She said yes and i told her ..can u put me to sleep and wake me up in few days ? :)) I mean its been almost 2 weeks since i had a good sleep :))

She let me think and i chose the gass ..she told me with the IV i will still be awake just wont feel the pain and i didnt wanted to feel Shrek digging in my mouth :))

So after this everything went fine ..she put me to sleep with the gass and .... Man it was trippy ...i swear it was so weird ...i started to see seahorses around me :))) and it was like all the equipment there was looking at me judging me :)))

After i woked up idk if this is normal or not but the first few minutes my mom said i was speaking in another language :)) i was switching between english and korean ...and that i was trying to chase a pinguin through the hallway and she had to hold me :)))) i wish someone woudve recorded me to see my stupidity :))))

But yeah now im still on meds and a bit loopy so sorry if i have typos ... Cant wait to see how it will be after the meds will weare off much pain will it be, if i will become spiderman crawling on walls on pain or straight off Hulk Smash with my head through the wall :))


If u went through this too and wannt talk let me know :)

Or if u just wanna talk in genral ...i'm lonely ^^" .. lol :))))


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53d33fdf54be98a755c3 5 years ago
Not the same experience, but had to get teeth pulled and lo and behold, they only numb one side and not the can guess how the rest went XD
secret_love 5 years ago
Oh oppa! Get well soon! Hope everything are fine with you
blockbtob1a4men 5 years ago
Why does everyone have trippy stories but meeeeee?
I was literally silent the whole time, and when I woke up I just waited for my dad to bring the truck around so I could go home.
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