《 Question - Activness


Does how active an rp is matter? 

Idk-- I feel a little disheartened that the place I made died after a month because of all the new rps that popped up. 

There's still people there but, you know, it's quiet- 


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just_a_backup 5 years ago
It matters to a lot of people how active or inactive a place it. I don't know why it does but yeah.
It's really sad, because as soon as people stop being as active, more and more leave and less people join.
AmbieAssassin 5 years ago
In some cases, it matters. For some people anyway.

I personally don't mind how active or non-active an rp is. And I usually don't really look for rps to join. I'm usually asked/invited or I see an ad for it from my friends' blogs.
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