oh yeah


i'm not a fan of grammar

some of y'all with a following are so quick to turn yourselves into the victim over something you caused or to let something small to snowball 

if your u/n is that precious to you, keep it or make a second account, it ain't that hard fam.

when your name is well-known and you DECIDE to change your name, don't get mad when it's taken, YOU DECIDED TO CHANGE THAT .

no one took it from you, you gave it up.

but to go on some tirade against someone who was your friend and they playfully took your name because you changed it, girl, i don't know what to say but that ain't right at all and i feel sorry for them because they don't feel welcome here anymore because of you.

imagine if it was a coincidence that someone new took your u/n before you had the chance to change it back. you can't force them to change their u/n .


if you're the friend of someone well known here, that does not give you the right to be their bodyguard at any rp they're not in 

like wtf do you think you look like bucking up to someone who has a similar name as your celebrity friend, like this place ain't even for you to do that lmao

this person was new and you decided to interrogate them for the sake of your friend's name??? that's some obsessive bs and you need help

for the person who sent this story in, they said they had to make a new account because they suddenly could not log into their old account anymore, and saw the profile picture of their old account dp was changed to mark tuan's father holding a fan.

is scandalous and....i don't even know what to say, because y'all would really do this for people







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