.... yo

Tags blog update 

Aight. PHATPANDA is here! 

But....idk I just....feel like Roleplayrepublic.com isn't like it used to be for me...  a lot of the time anyone who has rped with me I appreciate you. Other times I feel like I'm not good at this anymore...


Especially when I get so uncreative writing wise. Versus when I'm drawing or something. Plus I've been working on RL things and trying to adult lol and then I'm gaming if nothing else. #ps4 


I want to RP again... but I guess I don't want to bother any of you incase I just dip again... I'm sorry about all that. ♡♡♡♡♡


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LikeEmTHICC 5 years ago
Baby <3
-BabyElf_Fan 5 years ago
I'm always up for rps ^^
LadyofGalifrey 5 years ago
You know I’ll always rp with you
rennuelaw 5 years ago
Its ok hun, im always here if yu need me
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