my awful stepdad


At the moment I'm in an awful position. 

My stepdad just got back from work in a bad mood.

He started shouting at my mum about me not doing any chores in the house.

Then he came to me and started swearing at me.

I've never experienced this kind of hate towards me in my life....

But to be honest I know the real reason he hates me is because I'm gay.

He even told mynmum how she can raise an awful child like me... (I just started crying just writing it)

I'm packing my bags at the moment to ask my cousin Ellyjelly96 to stay with her for a bit....

I don't know what to do with my self.


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blank- 11 years ago
Ugh, I know how you feel. Right now I'm going through something similar with my step dad because I'm bi. OTL But hang in there, you'll get through it! ^^
Mr_Invisible 11 years ago
Why can't people just accept it?
It's better to be who you are...
Do they want you to change into something they want?
Then that's just not right...
They have to learn to accept you...
ExoticM 11 years ago
Honey *hugs you*
Dont let some stupid person made you sad!
they are just words dont take them to your heart let his say whatever he want!
IGNORE HIM believe me ignoring is the best~
u dont have to go!
stay there! prove to him that no matter what you'll stay there! that that is your house dont run!
JayLee 11 years ago
-huggles- I get hate like that all the time
hyosucks 11 years ago
D: aww...i'm sorry...get better okay? ^^ i wish you the best <3
-Namu- 11 years ago
*hug tight
in all honesty she should kick his
i am she is your mom
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