Advice 107 views AuthorSquiddlyTheImp Created Mar 11, 2020 04:11:02 Yeah... I need advice I'm losing muse so quickly and I'm not sure how to resolve it So gimme your tips for not losing muse Comments You must be logged in to comment. scampi 4 years ago lie to yourself and say that you're logging off rpr for good and guarantee you'll be back within two hours SweetSinner 4 years ago Take a little break and regroup your thoughts? That always helps me? >< schnuggldiwuppdich 4 years ago i agree with feeding muse via other sources and just pushing through! as they say... amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest just get to work ;) -Faeya 4 years ago I just push though until muse returns Find something you enjoy and push yourself into that for a plot and it normally comes back after a bit. konggie 4 years ago Switching muses, watching videos of the current muse, looking up otp prompts or story prompts or character prompts on pinterest, etcetc 355fd54f903edc36aac1 4 years ago I usually go on semi hiatus to regain my muse or swtich to another muse Log in to view all comments and replies
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