

Can we please, please calm down my goodness gracious. I have never seen so much drama on this site before. 

I typically look at blogs for those who want to promote roleplays or give cute messages (which used to be the norm)....but I feel like every day there is like something new? It's one thing if it's a short post 

But do we really have to have paragraphs upon paragraphs of rants every single day? And it's not a simple one either, it's one where it attacks people and causes people to attack in comments or the op to attack those who do comment.

I get it, you're all stressed out. You have school, you have bills to pay, some of us are essential workers and are going to work at a risk.

But that doesn't give anyone a reason to be rude and cruel to those around them. Many (like me) come to this website to be happy and not stressed out from their jobs, school and real life. 

I had been excited to be on here when I was on call the past two weeks, but the blogs just made me even more stressed than when I was working. (And trust me that's saying something if I'm angry at work half the time because of many reasons). 

This is the time when everyone should be supportive, where we should all be kind. I don't care if you don't like a person, don't be an please...? Don't think you have a right to treat someone like trash just because you can, and because you think that you are more stressed than them.


Please spread kindness guys (wow this is coming from me, the biggest I know whoa). You don't know what people are going through during this hard time. 


Spread love please, rpr deserves that.


(Wow I became the long post I was just complaining about :'D)


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8acc2c4735ff21ed4709 4 years ago
i do feel you, fam. spread love, not hate. i surely do agree on that.
okkotsudon 4 years ago
tsukispookie [A] 4 years ago
In the meantime, enjoy some J-Hope memes
tsukispookie [A] 4 years ago

tsukispookie [A] 4 years ago

tsukispookie [A] 4 years ago

tsukispookie [A] 4 years ago

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