No layout cause I'm the phone but I wanted to quickly say a few things. I'll dot point for easy reading.
- Daylight savings has finished. I'm now gmt +10.00, not 11.00
- I have a boyfriend. He does seven days on work, seven days off. When he's off work, we are catching up, playing games and keeping indoors because of the virus. During this time I'm scarce because I want to focus on the things around reality such as family, bonding and enjoying life without needing to feel pressured into jumping online.
- Just because a lot of people around here are isolated and out of a job for a temporary time frame, doesn't mean I am. I still work, at the office, not at home so I don't have all this extra time that other people have. If anything I'm stuck working more because I'm the only other person working in the office next to my boss. Everyone else gets to work from home.
- My replies are far behind. I know. If you can't handle this, tell me now and we can drop our plot. I won't make you wait if you don't wish.
- I'm in therapy now for all the things I need to address and work through.
- I'm on anti depressants for the next 5 month's before being re-evaluated. If I need another course, I'll be given another 6 months. Otherwise I might be able to come off them.
- Yes, they are working.
Thanks for listening.
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