▁▁▁▁ pastel ▁▁▁▁
 open closed hiatus busy ▌hiring 
pastel's history;
[30/07/2012] Behind the name 'Indeed Design' it is just taken from one of the famous art designer. Puahahaha... actually I just picked a random name. But it sounds cool, right?
the rules;
001. must must MUST subscrib to this shop.
002. Leave a comment after requesting (no comment, no request done).
003. Password is LOLLIPOP.
004. Provide HQ pictures, because I don't have time to look for it except if you gave me a hard picture to deal with.
005. Don't ask for a re-do. (i hate it) Otherwise, I'm the one asking for a re-de.
006. I don't work on or YURI posters
007. Use my poster as long as you want.
008. You have 3 days to cancel your request.
009. You must credit and feedback to make sure the poster is made by me.
010. Hah! This is the real password indeed design <-highlight
011. Wrong password, I'll ignore your request.
012. Characters must be less than 6. (a group will be considered as 2) except for character charts.
013. Always check the status to see your request. If your name's in pink, that means you didn't follow the rules and need to fill the form again.
014. Do not HOTLINK the link of the poster/background. Save it on your own server.
015. Last but not the least, enjoy the request from me!
founder's history;
Eyah is my nick name and 012 is another random number for my username.
I start learning graphic design around 2010 but only a simple art using PHOTOSCAPE.
Then I found a free software, GIMP in 2011 and till then I used it. But now I'm using PHOTOSHOP.
To be exact still newbie with PS. My guru is MARY517, she is my master and my friend.
Don't forget to visit her shop too.
I use:
Gimp 2.6 - Almost 2 Year
Gimp 2.8 - A Day
Photoshop CS3 - 1 month
p/s: I'm major in angst, sad, dark and at cute, romance, funny and happy
[ 2012/11/22 ] Indeed Design is now open and finished the revamp. Open for batch 5th.
[ 2012/12/09 ] Indeed Design will be in haitus. I'll be back after I finish with college stuff. Thank you.
[ 2012/12/27 ] Layout has changed to Logan Lerman. Indeed Design totally mad in love on him.
[ 2013/01/24 ] Wallpaper has changed to Infinite H... They are awesome right!
[ 2013/02/13 ] Indeed Design new wallpaper featuring BAP, well it's Warrioir era. Where I know them and love all of them.
[2013/04/27] Indeed Design has open for a long haitus. Back with Yoo Jiae as a cover.
quote of the week;
“Life is like photography, we develop from the negatives."
                            - Google



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