

i am just gunna say in this very ty little blog piece


An admin should never remove you without notice, it is disrespectful, even if the person removed had done wrong. 

When you remove without a word (warnings, strikes, conversation before removal as to why) then that's immature on your part. Like cool, you don't want the conflict in a PM, but like...real world problems don't go away by deleting them? What makes a person think someone won't come around after deletion to be like "hey man, what's up, what's your problem?"


(Hasn't happened to me, just smth I've seen admins do that I am....confused about? I don't get it. It's such a simple action, if you feel you can't handle the conflict of it, don't be an admin....or better yet, get a co-admin that'll do it for you)


That's my ty Ted Talk


UwU sorry to those who told me to go to bed, just been thinking about this since it was pointed out to me today


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baby-groot 4 years ago
Speak the truth dude I totally agree
saorsa 4 years ago

Ok so this is what I thought I commented with sidneodns

When admins don’t follow what they preach
chans_RAILway 4 years ago
That is something I think about a lot, actually. It bothers me too...
I only kick after confrontation and several strikes and warnings.
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