this only shows the hypocrisy some people have


some weeks ago people and websites were judging him for his weight loss and acussing him of taking drugs without knowing what really was going on , now that he's dead and the truth surfaced the same people and websited post about what a good man he was and how they will miss him, it's ing disgusting. if this shows anything it that people dont give a about you unless you're dead.

anyway , rest in peace Chadwick Boseman, you will be missed.



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konggie 4 years ago
I didnt even know something was wrong with him, I didn't notice he was abnormally thin. Like legit when you see him he looked fine and I just wish I wasn't so ignorant back then. Not that it would change much but I wish i noticed the signs before the king passed away :'(
Yikessir 4 years ago
Rest in Power to the King
glizzy_mcguire 4 years ago
People ing
UrdxBelldandy 4 years ago
some people only wants attention and stupid idiots believe in them without even knowing the truth
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