✕ nightly : preview


Hello, everyone! I don't really have anything to say other than "look at this new layout i just finished" (just realized I haven't done one of these blogs in a bit) and "lmao coding on rpr this is so dumb" tbh, so this will be a very brief message before I actually paste the layout, but I also wanna say I hope you all are well! Please make sure you're taking care of yourselves, being considerate of others, and remember to smile at least once a day! Oh, and ignore the fact that every picture is just the same picture of Ten ndsjanfjg I was lazy and he's beautiful. Bless him and happy birthday to him. I love that man with my whole heart. Anyway, lemme shut up and show you the layout now DMSALMFLG!!!!


The Basics

General Trivia

  • Alias(es): Here.
  • Date of Birth: 00 Month 0000 (Age 00).
  • Zodiac Sign: Here.
  • Place of Birth: Here.
  • Nationality: Here.
  • Current Location: Here.
  • Known Languages: Here.
  • Occupation: Here.
  • Romatic Orientation: We don't know.
  • ual Orientation: We don't care.
  • Relationship Status: Here.
  • SNS: Here.

Appearance Trivia

  • Height: 000 cm (0’0″).
  • Weight: 00 kg (000 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Here.
  • Eye Color: Here.
  • Piercings: Here.
  • Tattoos: Here
    • List goes here.
  • Scars: Here.
  • Personal Aesthetic: Here.

The Story

Part I

Chapter I

Paragraph for this section goes here. Can be as long or short as you want it to be since this section scrolls. If you need another paragraph just hit enter. I'll provide one for you probably. I don't know though because I'm tired and it's past my bed time. We shall see what I really do.

Put something here.

This is another paragraph in case one is needed.

Chapter II

Paragraph for this section goes here. Can be as long or short as you want it to be since this section scrolls. If you need another paragraph just hit enter. I'll provide one for you probably. I don't know though because I'm tired and it's past my bed time. We shall see what I really do.

Put something here.

This is another paragraph in case one is needed.

Part II

Chapter I

Paragraph for this section goes here. Can be as long or short as you want it to be since this section scrolls. If you need another paragraph just hit enter. I'll provide one for you probably. I don't know though because I'm tired and it's past my bed time. We shall see what I really do.

The Vibes


Type: XXXX.

Strengths: Here.

Weaknesses: Here.


Put — that — stuff — here.


Put — that — stuff — here.


Put — that — stuff — here.


Put — that — stuff — here.


Put — that — stuff — here.

Bad Habits

Put — that — stuff — here — typing more because this one needs to be particularly long.

Wants & Values

Put — that — stuff — here — typing more because this one needs to be particularly long.


Put — that — stuff — here.


Put — that — stuff — here.

pixel tings

Before You Approach Me

↷ ⁞   important。 Try to have something in mind and read whatever I have in my profile before actually talking to me about roleplaying. If you'd like, send me a random starter! I actually love 'em! And the more unique or out of the box, the better. Just make sure you let me know that you sent me something and let me know where you sent it!

Writing & Plotting Style

↷ ⁞ writing style。 I do both script style and para style. Script is generally done in 3rd pov, while para is done in 1st or 3rd pov. Lengthwise, I prefer to keep it short and sweet because I'm often busy, but I can get carried away. Make sure you tell me if I'm doing too much for you.

Also know that I like writing starters and will do them most times if I know what I'm doing and if it makes sense for me to do it, but do not shove them on me. Especially if I do all/a lot of the work during the plotting process. I get burned out doing so at times and I'm often too busy to send them out in a timely fashion.

↷ ⁞ plotting style。 I prefer winging over plotting most times because I don't like plotting with people, but I can definitely do so. Normally, I'll do an interview style plotting session and ask a bunch of questions so I can propose a bunch of ideas (usually about 3 to 7). Often times, I read up on your character so these ideas are more tailored to your character. I like to keep my ideas somewhat vague and open-ended, mostly giving us a setting and main activity to work with, but I also like to give myself enough room to play with whatever we have going on. An imporant thing to mention, by the way, is that I don't typically approach people unless I have a plot or idea in mind, and I really like when people do the same. Saves a lot of time, and doesn't burn me out before we begin.

↷ ⁞ overall。 I'm very flexible about how we actually rp and will work at your pace if possible. I can do one lining script all the way to novella, in both 1st and 3rd pov, and I often don't care much about what we're doing with our characters as long as we're doing something and having fun. I'm really chill and often easy to inspire/motivate, so don't feel like you can't approach me!

Activity & Reply Speed

↷ ⁞   important。 I will never poke you. Never poke me or I will ragequit/ignore you. You also don't need to remind me about me owing you a reply unless it has been a month or more. I usually remember who I'm roleplaying with. Also refrain from using my activity or lack of it as an excuse to pester me about a reply. Doing like that will just annoy me and make me prolong sending something, if I send something at all. I get very passive aggressive about this. Do not test me.

I'm usually very slow with my replies. Sometimes because of the length, sometimes because of motivation, sometimes because of ooc priorities, and sometimes because I'm just slow to do them. At the same time, however, I can be incredibly fast and reply within an hour or two. It just depends, but more often than not, I'm slow to reply. We can always drop/pick up our thread(s), but make sure you communicate with me. Also know that I might be active in chats infrequently or a lot. I'm not a very consistent person when it comes to this, and, again, using this against me will only anger me.

Just as a side note, I prefer to do actual threads where our characters meet face-to-face and typically prioritze them over doing more chat-based threads. I'm like that in real life, and it's hard for me to stick to chat-based threads for very long. Just giving y'all a heads up.

Location Preferences

Honestly, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. I like rooms, walls when I'm busy, and I'm okay with rping in group PMs. Most plots I do are public friendly too, and when they aren't, I take them to walls if not too bad, or group PMs if they are. As of late, I've been wanting to rp on walls because I actually get notified about them (checking tags is something I manually do), because I'm busy, and because I sometimes venture into more mature themes that may not be for everyone. These themes are normally SFW, just probably a little darker than people may want to see, for example. Walls are like a safer option for me, but I'm not going to insist we use them. Like I said, I'll roleplay anywhere I can. Just let me know where you prefer to do threads with me, if you feel a need to mention it.


name here

Relationship Level


Platonic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

Here is another paragraph if you need it.

name here

Relationship Level


Antagonistic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

name here

Relationship Level


Romantic ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.

name here

Relationship Level


Familial ✦ Information about the connection would go right here. Type as much as you want because this text space stretches. If using this as a tracker, maybe put plot information here? I don't know. Go nuts and be creative, I guess.


Filler text goes here. If you need another paragraph, just hit enter. This section also scrolls if you need it to. Also, real quick, I just wanna say Alina Baraz's new album slaps and is the best thing I've heard in a while. Just what I needed because I've been feeling sad and gloomy lately.

#tag something here
Short update or motto would go right here. Keep it really smol, my dude. Itty bitty.


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geniuslab 3 years ago
sagittarius 3 years ago
primavera 3 years ago
it's so pretty!!
melozennie 3 years ago
/weeps and bows before this masterpiece.
(it's lovely and extremely pleasing to the eyes !! <3)
jubjub 3 years ago
scammer 3 years ago
vanitas 3 years ago
it looks so beautiful (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
sundestroyer 3 years ago
it's so pretty???
erigom 3 years ago
move over mona lisa there is a new masterpiece in town okno but okyes
a958b6ef268dd914bcee 3 years ago
chef kisses — this is show stopping, spectacular, amazing, incredible. i especially like the lover(?) section at the bottom!
ubebread 3 years ago
gorgeous! *o*
cancel 3 years ago
I LOVE IT SO MUCH T ___________________________ T
realllllmino 3 years ago
kuroosaki 3 years ago
im yelLLING
starlost 3 years ago
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