

I'm checking if anyone wants to do the following plot with me:

arranged marriage in which a and b have feelings for one another and are p open about it. a's bestfriend comes into the picture and has b cheating on a with them, just because they're jealous that a always gets everything she wants. a's best friend managed to get b to cheat on a by putting stuff in b's head. later on a finds out she was cheated on and her best friend discloses that she wanted to be honest with her and not keep it from her, also letting her know that the reason why b was with her was bcs her dad had an agreement with him in which he would pass on the company he owned to b if he completed 5 years together with a. a then thinks shes being nothing but a bother and wants to end things. she asks her dad to give her half of the company and b the other half as she knew her best friend and b had no other income sources. b never knew of this, nor did he disclose to the best friend that he had such an agreement with as dad. later on, b feels guilty and tries to confess to a that he cheated only to he presented with the divorce papers.


e A e for this specific plot I was looking forward for my character e to be a and for b to be jungkook from bts, let me know if youd be down to it. I do both first and third dpov and I dont mind pmrps nor private rps, whichever er makes you more comfortable. 


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psycheux 3 years ago
9fa2f375d457a5c1887e 3 years ago
h0e i like this
2ed3398fe6e9c066eddd 3 years ago
yeth pls.
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