I love you;

►i love you;
a blog about the best book series i have ever had the pleasure of reading and they are by the amazing author, Cassandra Clare.
book title
what i rate it
personal comments
to be honest, i only started reading this book because i was using my phone in the school library and wanted to look busy. honestly, this was the best decision i made! 
i was quickly into the book and the world as the book made it which is a present time with the supernatural world clashing so demons, vampires, fairies, witches; they're referrence at some point. i was worried it would be a twilight repeat and i hate twilight, but no, this is so much better than any supernatural themed book i have ever read. i loved it from the moment i opened the book.
city of ashes was a very good follow up to city of bones. it brought more focus on the relationships between the characters and immerses you into the deep storyline. it does get a little overwhelming but that's a reason i loved it. after city of bones, i actually had to buy the book which i never do. i don't collect books, not even harry potter when it was popular and the twilight books i had read were actually given to me (and now in the shed far away from me or i'll burn them.) but these books i personally went out and bought just to re-read whenever i felt like it. city of ashes was brilliant and catching.
city of glass gets a higher rating because this is my favourite in the series so far. the visuals that cassandra has used were beautiful and also haunting at some times because of the language she has made the effort to include. the plot continues to twist as it progresses and suspense even becomes more grabbing in this book. the complexity starts to make sense in this book so after reading it, if you were to go back and re-read the first two, a lot of sense is brought out. i think it's fantastic. 
in this series, city of fallen angels isn't my favourite, mind you i've only read it once so i'm due to re-read it but i can't until i once more re-claim books one through to three since book one is with a friend and my ex boyfriend has the other two (and because he's not talking to me and lives on the otherside of australia, i can't get them back.) the sense of direction changes at some point in this book and it sways just a little so it distracted me a bit but again, i do need to re-read this before making a proper critque about it. it is a good book of course, i can't lie. i love all these books.
if you have never read these books and are into the supernatural genre and theme, definitely go find these and read them. Cassanda has a fantastic mind to produce something as wonderful as this. there is a fifth book, city of lost souls, but i've never read it so i can't add it to the list as of yet but i do plan on reading it before next september as the final installment of the mortal instruments is going to be released which is city of heavenly souls. i'm curious about how the series will end. 
Cassandra Clare has also written a series of books that acts as a prequel to the mortal instruments. the series is called the inferno devices. so far, three books have been released; clockwork angel, clockwork prince and clockwork princess. i own the first two but not the third. i still also need to read clockwork prince as i've had it a year and never read it. orz 
while you don't have to read the prequel for the mortal instruments, there are characters in city of fallen angels that are from a different century that are the main characters in the infernal devices (below) series. i bought clockwork angel at the same time as city of fallen angels just so help get the understanding for the hell of it. it really helped to be honest but it still makes sense without reading the prequel.
Cassandra confirmed late last years as well that she is undergoing a new series called the dark artifacts that contain her shadowhunter theme but i believe it's different characters since it's set in L.A this time.


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e291de892d3bff30d366 11 years ago
i'm going to start to read the first one \o/
*giving up trying to find Game of thrones -cries-*
e291de892d3bff30d366 11 years ago
lol! oh god! I thought these books where like twilight too *blinks* but yeah...I totally love supernatural books and stories~!
good to know someone that already read them...
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