So.. I'm making a roleplay and well.. here's the idea

Tags admin idea join new roleplay 

Guys I'm making for first rp!!! this is the idea please tell me f it's good! if you think it is would you like to join or admin?? If you'd like to join tell me what group. If you'd like to admin tell meeeee. Just comment lol. 

Ok please read the entire thing cause it's... kinda complecated so I placed it in steps it's it'll be eaiser. ^.^ the steps are kinda long since I tried to explain the best I could. If you still have question or suggestions tell me!!! ok so.. here goes!!!


1.They are stars 

2. there are also OCs -own characters- 
3. The OCs get to be the manager of the bands. we could let someone apply. 
Name: Stephanie
Age: 28
Applying for : Show Mangager 
Group: EXO
Experience: used to work for DBSK 
4: they can only apply is the spot for the group's mangeger is open.
5: the admins (us) are higher than the manger. 
6. they have to come to us with they're idea (of a show or whatever) before telling the band.
7: we either accept or deny.
8: we can fire them if they're not doing their job properly.
9: the group members can make a report to us.
10: Two characters per rper 
11: we can be a member also (our second character)
13: Mangers can quit and ask for a new band (if available) 
14: there could be other OCs and they can be fans and such.
15: to be continued I think this may be too long xD

16: Managers must come up with new show ideas. If not they are fired.

17: Mangers are allowed to date stars once they are not frm the group they manage (could be changed) 
18: there will be a room for each group and their current show will be listed. 
19: there could be like an interview room. and each group wll have a chance to be interviewed. the interview could be listed for everyone to read after.. like a tv episode in a way.
20: lol this rp will be complecated yet fun I hope! 
21: it will have to be organized very well.
23: should it be or normal  (we decided it will be normal ^^ )
24: we need t choose at least five groups (if we use all it will be hard as to manage)

25. the characters walls will be like they're dorms and rooms.

24. this p will be room based but in a different way where you can only post in that room if your band show is going on, if not post somewhere else.
25. there can be like two rooms where all groups can meet together without the public knowing.
26: the is not AU so no going to the beach and stuff unless they are on break.
27: groups will be given break months so they can go where ever they like.
28: we can have a room listing when is the break for each group and also what shows are going on, who's in it.
29: stuff like a movie or tv series can have a mix between the groups and the persons who are in it are the only ones to post. that will be like an AU. eg. f it's a movie. the plot will be posted and they will have to follow along with it and be the characters assigned to them. 
30: lol this is gonna be fun
31: maybe we should use this to explain what the rp is about to ppl >.<
32: to be continued this might be too long

33: each show will have it's own room. when it's over there will be a big fat 'COMPLEted' over it and will remain for veiwing pleasure.

34: groups are to do one show at a time to avoid confusion.
35: The show HAS to end so it can't be a never ending rp in that room ^.^
36: when finished the maneger of that group will tell an admin.

37: I'm think a break after every show xD so it won't be like right after this show, there's another show god that'll be tiring and annoying xDD  we agreed to this 

38: a show will start when the group has all or almost all of there members. (incase someone leave our rp ;.; or on haitus, r the character just hasn't been taken yet)

Password: I'll make you famous!

This is copy and pasted just so you know ^.^ 

Please tell me what you think!!!!



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noxforma 11 years ago
I love it I'd totally join!
lindir 11 years ago
Can I admin with you?
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