This lazy , demotivated me. Realizations.

Status [M]
Tags ihavenolife 

His days are numbered, his life is limited, he is wasted.

The sound whirred of the airconditioning unit the male has, mixed with ticking sound of the clock and the clicking sounds of the keyboard makes in every key he presses, filled the quiet room of Jiyong. 

Ever since he knew of his sickness, he spent most of his time blogging the things he usually do - which is blogging alone. Things that one would read from there would not be new the moment you would read his second blog. Bland and blank as people critique about.

But why do people anticipate his blogs if the contents are just the same, like he's only telling us that he is typing now, describing the things that his eyes would lie on, the number of times his mother would come and go on his room, and so on and so forth? Simple. They don't anticipate his newly updated blog but rather aniticipate the day wherein he would stop updating. 

Why wait for that? Another simple question.

Those people would rather anticipate his death rather than the blogs shared.

- written this piece of because I have no life. u.u. Kidding. 

I just don't feel like roleplaying today since I'll be dealing once again with the same plot and twist that sometimes bore the hell out from me. Like ting. It has been a norm, and would rather be a culture if I keep going on, for me to here and there but I wouldn't deny that sometimes I'm tired of it knowing that other than that specific character, I also have other characters to with. Something new would be fun but the option of forcing them to break up with my characters is unlikable if it would render me much hatred.

Seriously, these days, people have become so stupid that they have forgotten the purpose of roleplaying. Should people be reminded of why is RoleplayRepublic created? Well, I've searched this up on "How it works" and according to the FAQs, this was made for the convenience of those roleplayers from AFF that its features would be made easier for people to "ROLEPLAY" and to keep track for the characters, be active and suches. Take note of the quoted word. 

The issue here is some, not most, people would take their characters to their hearts, forgetting what roleplay means. To englighten those forgetful people, define first what does roleplay means. From the site to roleplay is "to assume or represent in a drama; act out" & "to assume or act out a particular role."

Let's chop the definition down into simpler means.

Okay, first and foremost, don't be stupid. The drama mentioned there is not to be taken literally. Be wise. Words don't mean the exact same thing as what your mind had thought. That's why there are such things as words meant as a connotation AND a denotation. For those youngsters who haven't taken up this topic on their English classes, let me share with you what I have learned with regards to words meant as a connation and a denotation. The easiest word to for such example is . , as a noun, is orginally denoted as the condition of being either a male or a female - depending on which ual organ you have, and if a hermaphrodite, depending on organ is more active. But why is as the act of having ual had initially popped on my mind [[DON'T DENY IT. I DID TOO. XD]]? Because the here that your mind had processed is the connotative meaning of what should mean. So , as a noun, in relation to its connotative meaning is the ual activity. 

So going back to the drama mentioned from the dictionary, it doesn't mean that that drama should mean the climatic events from a series of movies, shows, etc. for exmple, breakup between couples, an epic drama comes in such as fights, bitter moments, and suches. It would simply mean "play". PERIOD. 

Reconstructing what the dictionary has given, roleplay is to assume or represent in a PLAY.

A big check now that we've taken down the first definition.

Secondly, let's take up the follow up definition from the first which is act out. From the words themselves, act out. Should I go into details here? Well, I should in case some people would need help. Let's define them from the dictionary that I have mentioned awhile ago, according to its thesaurus, act out is "represent an incident, state, or emotion by action, especially on stage. Scratch especially on stage since we're dealing with a site not a program here. By the definition itself, you would clearly and undeniably notice how the first and second correlate each other and how they mean as the same. 

Another check as we are able to take down the second defintion.

Lastly, is to assume or act out a particular role. Same with the second but this one is mentioned in definite. But to further explain this, it is when you put yourself in a character's shoes and act as if you are that character. ACT not be who you are.

Last check as we accomplished defining these words.

Moving on.. Why do people become stupid? Well, in my opinion, some users would rather search for friends in this site when this site's PRIMARY PRODUCT and PRIMARY REASON FOR CREATION is, according to its "About",  RoleplayRepublic is a fan-made roleplay site that caters to people who like to create and run their own roleplays. 

Have you seen "make friends"? No. Because, maybe, this site is made not to make friends as its sole purpose but rather for roleplaying purposes. Okay, I have no issues with making friends or sorts but somehow, users use this to make friends. In my opinion, what is facebook, twitter, and other social networking sites if here you are making friends and doing nothing aside from making friends, right? I mean. Go ahead. Make friends but the issue here is, have you forgotten what this site is about?

Then there goes people who have issues with roleplaying. Seriously. Just stop. Taking roleplay to your heart would only do no good to you and would rather make things worse. The character was not made for "SELFISH" purposes but for roleplaying. What do I mean by selfish here? Well, this comes into place of roleplay when that person uses a character for HIS OR HER OWN REPRESENTATION then takes the series and happenings midway of the roleplaying event seriously that he/she forgets to "act out" that character instead.

I mean. How stupid people can be? Selfish as another. What is roleplaying for right? It was set aside. The end.

And they would go like "mind your ing business". If one would rather say that, these would greet and destroy their day, "define roleplay," and "I'm sorry. You might be lost. We're on the site of if I'm not mistaken". That's it. Say those with obvious sarcasm in it. This would seriously turn tables down. Why? Because your business here is to roleplay "make drama as a character" not "make drama as for your own." 

But seriously, why do people hate once the plot has gone overboard? Aside from the fact that the person doesn't know what roleplay means, it's either the roleplayer is insensitive or the roleplayer is that much of a sensitive person. It's not that I'm saying being both are wrong but if you're in such state, one needs a break or do something that would subside such feeling. Continuance would just make you rather look selfish. You want things to go on your own when the one you are roleplaying with doesn't. It's selfish that you want everything all to your own. I mean, - this is godmodding we speak of. If you're that much of a hater of godmodding, back off because you, yourself, is starting one. What about others' right? You wanting this because you're that much of fan or against this. Have you thought of them? HAVE YOU MADE ADJUSTMENTS FOR THEM TO BEGIN WITH? 

See? How would both ends meet when you yourself don't make the initiative. This is so ed up. Roleplay has now mixed up with YOUR OWN NEEDS. Again, you have yet forgotten about the definition of roleplay. Selfishness comes in place again. 

Going back to my plotting needs..

Recently, I've been feeling so angst-y that I want my characters to break up with their mates but I don't have the courage because I know some doesn't have the heart for a very dramatic scene in which I respect. I don't want them to hate me because of the little thing I'm selfish about.

So yeah, things that I wanted but cannot do when it comes to plotting, break-up and reunion. Breaking up is so easy but the reunion thing would not come. Why? Because people would take you seriously. It's so stupid to think of such a thing. Another plot in which it rarely comes in these days, get together moments, that  your character might set aside your own partner, with the most of the characters in the roleplay.

I seriously missed these things:

In KPop High School renamed as Sophisticated High, there are three kings that rule the school, G-Dragon, Daehyun, and Luhan. [PSH. I LOVE YOU GUYS THAT'S WHY I MENTIONED YOU HERE. XD] So yeah, these three characters are not just close with one another but also with others by means of playing Truth or Dare or should be rather Dare or Dare. Not that they are attention seekers but this is a way for people to get and be interactive, in which I presume, they were able to nail it. I remember, one of the dare here is to slap a teacher's . The funniest incident here is when only one teacher is available, though the roleplayer's offline that time, and that teacher is having . [I LOVE YOU HYUNG. DON'T KILL ME BECAUSE I MENTIONED THIS.] The trio then made fun of him, slapping his bare midway and as a consequence they have to meet him somewhere and do something [I FORGOT NOW. THIS HAD HAPPENED LAST DECEMBER ANYWAYS.] but since they are the kingkas, they ran away. 

The main highlight here is not those three being that close but rather being close to others. Because of that game, the characters were able to play with others with the silly little dares they have in mind and interact with others as the game involves other characters' presence. I mean, G-Dragon, Daehyun, and Luhan are not that close to begin with in the first place. They just become that close because of that game.


Another roleplay that I enjoyed is Call K-Pop Roleplayers

There are so many incidents that the characters are able to interact with each other that they wouldn't be left with only two characters with them only talking to each other. I mean. There used to be so many interactions in different rooms there.

Since I'm too lazy to remember the events, go here instead. If you want to be entertained, you'd seriously laugh your off here:

P.S. I shared those two rps because the first one there is a 3rd POV-based while the second is a 1st-POV-based. This only means that because it's a third POV, it doesn't mean that the rp itself would be dead right away. You just have to be creative enough to make others to be interactive.

------and oh, I used to be G-Dragon in both rps.

sources I used in order:

"My laptop's own Finder and Spotlight's dictionary"


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choi_seunghyun 11 years ago
I miss the edupness of the first rp we met!!!! Lol.

Should I also started the sickening blog post so ppls would counting the number of days left of my life...XD
choi_seunghyun 11 years ago
I miss the edupness of the first rp we met!!!! Lol.

Should I also started the sickening blog post so ppls would counting the number of days left of my life...XD
DongWook 11 years ago
I told that bastard seungri to read this blog XD i apologize XD now he's being whiny seungri as usual
DongWook 11 years ago
the teacher having is ..... TOP? XD ROFLLLLLLLLLLLL
supertuna 11 years ago
i misses kpop high school now you mention it
i still remember that we prank someone room with , tissues, drawing lawl
472497 11 years ago
I think this should be my
bedtime story tonight . LOL.
*slapped hard*
shinrin-yoku 11 years ago
CL and her awesomness.
You shall never forget it XD =3
CAKR had the best randomness moments in rp.
=3 XD lol.
calligraphy 11 years ago brain hurts reading all of dis.
capitalshowertop 11 years ago
It was too long.
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