1. Hi! How are you? We havent talked for a while.
We talked like just yesterday.
2. You wanna hangout with my peeps and I?
Umm no thanks
What? Why? Umm remember that your my ex not my boyfriend (otl xD)
4. Do you want some cookie?
Umm sorry dont feel like eatting cookies today.
5. Let's take a photo together?
Umm for what?
6.Help me with my homework?
Umm sorry figure it out yourself (xD)
7.Here's my gift for you...
What for me thanks i guess OTL
8. Let's just text, arasso?
But we do that already OTL
9. Want me to buy you an iPod?
Why. Orz i dont need have one already.
10.Let's sit together in the bus later?
Sorry im sitting with my friends
11. Hi baby!
Sorry what? What did you just call me otl
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