1. Drink ginger tea, buttloads of it.
2. Steam, not sure how to call it cause that’s what we do, in a cup, put about 3-4 tablespoons of salt (not iodized though) then put hot water. Place your hands around the mouth of the cup and lean in, breathe that steam up until you sweat. Make sure you don’t sleep in an air conditioned room or a cold room in general, don’t take a bath too, just wipe yourself and change clothes.
3. Rub vaporub all over your body and wear pyjamas, make sure not to sleep somewhere cold.
so something that helps me that my doctor recommended because ive had a severe head cold for pushing a full damn week, is mucinexDM take 2 every 12 hours to thin out that mucus and blow it up or spit it out. works for far. on day three. Secondly for congestion and stuffyness, if you dont have alka seltzer plus severe cold and flu (the day and night serve slightly diff symptoms) my doctor has suggested
steaming'. on top of my DM. if you cant be bothered with a hot shower. take a towel. put it over your head and your sink and make it hot hot, close the plug so it fills and just sit there and breathe in the hot steam through your nose. the relief is in mere MINUTES. the relief it gave me when i was so blocked it was giving me earaches.. oh man..
Rubs temples and glabella with vapor rub(since you have vapor rub) might help for headache
Put some vapor rub at your philtrum and on your nose, might help with blocked nose
I use eagle brand medicated oil since vapor rub is tame (as they are safe for kids)
Salonpas for pain (have seen people cut small square to put on their temple but I have not try-) or icyhot
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