exo quiz thing that I stole ^^


Is my ultimate bias:  Kris
 Is wrecking my bias list: jfc everyone butseriouslylaygdi

 Is my bias in EXO-K:  Kai
 Is my bias in EXO-M:  Kris
 Makes my heart flutter even if he's not my bias:  Lay...and Chen and Tao and this ing little Chanyeol over here.
 Was once my bias but still owns my heart:  Tao
 Is my secret bias: Lay
 Compose my favorite ship:  Kray or Krispy Lays
 Should  do more skinship: Kray, Baeksoo
 Should screw the existence of girls and just end up together ALLOFTHEM imeanwhat
 Is my ideal guy:  *is gay*
 I think I'll pass as his ideal type:  Luhan, Xiumin adn Chanyeol (yeah I looked this up xD)
 I'd love to be my boyfriend:  Kris
 I'd be most awkward with : ...is this really a question...I'm awkward with everyone.
I'd love to have as my brother: Kyungsoo because he would feed me xD
I'd love to be my bestfriend: Chen or Kai
I'd love to go out on dates: Kris, duh.
Makes my hormones explode: gdi Kris, Lay, Kai
I'd kiss: is all of them a reasonable answer here?


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thatcrooked 11 years ago
can i copy~?
lindir 11 years ago
i did this
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