Remember the "Goodbyes are better said than hellos"?
The actual reason for that is it was the last day of our classes back then to my most hated and at the same time loved subject which is Strategic Management. For those who can't remember, I had this paper worked on that was rejected several times before getting approval and be subjected to the defense panel OF WHICH THAT HAPPENED TODAY.
First off, I want to apologize to those I had neglected. These past few days, I have been studying my paper and preparing for the said defense. Another reason, THERE'S THIS WHO MESSES UP MY CHARACTERS WHO DEVIOUSLY OPENS MY CHARACTERS RENDERING ME TO CHECK WHICH THOSE CHARACTERS THAT NEEDED ATTENTION.
Second, with what the things happened during the defense. I'M INSULTED. SERIOUSLY. I was really confident but there's this panelist who insulted me midway. HOW?! INSTEAD OF LISTENING TO MY WELL-PREPARED REPORT, POWERPOINT, ETC. THERE HE IS TEXTING, CHECKING OUT HIS PHONE, AND RANDOMLY SCANS MY PAPER AS IF HE WAS READING THEN THERE HE HAS THE NERVE OF QUESTIONING ME THAT IS NOT RELEVANT NOR DIRECTIVE TO MY PAPER. I was like in the back of my mind, middlefinger, you should have listened, but good thing I was able to pull it off.
Expect another line of doughnut that will bombard the market just like what happened to J.Co. ITS BRANCH MARKET IS FROM INDONESIA. E U E
I'm well off confident about this for that professor of mine is good at hypothesizing the doughnut product lines that come inside the Philippines that will surely become a hit for Filipinos' taste buds.
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