Does everyone have a warning on top of their pages?



it is written:

RoleplayRepublic received yet another warning for people posting lewd images with a deadline for the site to take them all down in three days. Hence, I can only give this warning once: please remove all explicit images (including half-clothed pictures) that can potentially be deemed inappropriate. If you are not sure, take it down just to be safe. RPR has very few moderators so a bot will be used to ban all accounts that have posted inappropriate images if the images have not been taken down. If RPR gets another warning, images will no longer be allowed on the site.


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Etopia 10 years ago
I gots it too! ^^
noxforma 10 years ago
Nah,everyone has it XD
noxforma 10 years ago
Nah,everyone has it XD
cocoa 10 years ago
yeah i have it too :L awkward..
MonstaExoZen 10 years ago
Yep. It scared me xC
I'm not sure if I have anything inappropriate...
Do shirtless pics of Kai's abs count? O.o
kingminseok 10 years ago
Otl how do I know what's inappropriate and what's not.....
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