Tag game

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
Tagged by xlnivx
1.  What do you think of me when it comes to roleplaying?
Me likes you ouo alots of angst XD 
2. Have you actually talked to me? Why not?
3. Are you one of those people who just added me for the sake of having a lot of friends on the list?
4. Name five things you're curious about me.
-if you ever lied about anything in rpr
-where you actualy livez
-how you rp if you were the 'top' or the guy~
-how long your hair is ouo
-what you thought of me when we first starte talking
5. Who is your bias? 
6.  What do you dislike about me?
I don't know~ nothing~
7.  Describe me using a maximum of 10 words.
-fast ((in replying XD))
8. Would you rather get smacked on the head with a seel bar or the privates? Why? 
Private parts o.o because i already have a headache since last week T^T
9. Describe Nicki Minaj.
Crazy barbie biatch XD
10. Which group do you prefer, Exo or BAP?
exal? eue does that count?
11. Lastly, will you even take some time to do this?
yups i iz answering it ouo
GhazoolaELF's version:_
1.Favourite rp or fanfic genre?
2.Did you actually talk to me? 
3.Your ultimate bias?
4.Your otp od otps?
5.Did you ever read my blogs?
6.Describe me in atleast 5 words
7.What do you think of me? ((in roleplaying))
8.Who do you prefer F(x) or Girls generation?
9.Do you lovez someone ewe?
10.Do you like Super Junior?
11.Would you rather go to the future and meet new people and your children? Or go back to the past and meet your ancestors?
I tag: WinchesterAngel, Rosepetal, Imhorny,-FANBOY, ExoticM, Primadonna1608, Kim_HyoYoo, LoveToCreatexox, turtle, nemesis--, Evelyn-Everdeen


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Karine 11 years ago
Ahah, I am quite angsty when it comes to role playing.
Nope, I haven't lied about anything here. None that you know of anyway XD
I live in a cold and wet country somewhere in Europe.
My hair is quite long. I don't know how long but it is long Ahaha
Angel110 11 years ago
I got tagged O.O
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