Tagged by: dashing.


rule 1: post the rules

rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones

rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post

rule 4: let them know you've tagged them


1) What was your first impression of me? My attitude ?

- idk. i think you are friendly XD

2) How did we meet ? Am i older than you?

- idk. i added you and you say hi? :)) Im younger than you.

3) What is your ideal type?

- hot and y guys who can also be cute. straight hair. must be taller than me, but shorter than average. eg.yoseob,yukwon,rome,kangjun,l.joe.

4) If given a chance to RESTART your life, will you do it or not? why?

-heck no, do you know how hard is it to survive to this day?!

5) How do you define the word FRIEND?

-i like you~ you like me~ [barney style]

6) Have you ever tried being the cause of any OOC drama? how?

-oh hell yeah. i left character the next moment XD /irresponsible//

7) Are you in love / liking someone you just met here in RPR?

-does my daughter and hubby count? if not then no. :p

8) How old do you think i am?

idk. i dun really need to know cx as long as we are talking im cool with being with you ;))

9) If a place/city/province in your country want to detach from your country and make their own government, do you think its a nice idea or not ? Why?

whut? o.o

10) Give me 3 gifs of Jessica in genre.

cute: http://24.media.tumblr.com/81132c85b317f91be5f8768180b6415d/tumblr_mvdlaspsPz1stdg5io1_250.gif

ay: http://yoontaeyeon.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/tumblr_mg584lfwq71qcackso1_500.gif?w=714

random: http://25.media.tumblr.com/0787fe5db02ab8028a1bc97f3eebcab0/tumblr_mupvbwBXcB1s1riywo1_500.gif

11) selca pweash~~ *bbuing bbuing ; waggles ma tail ; puppy eyes ; pouty lips ; shot*

-selca? XD 

here yah go~<3 

http://loveyyun.tumblr.com/ which is ur fav? ;DD


okay, my turn to ask!

일) What cha think of meh in one full paragraph. at least 5 lines.

이) what will be your reaction if i say i love you?

삼) whats your ideal type?

사) favorite subject in your school?

오) give me your selca. Must be real you in the recent and not baby pics or idols.

육) bring me 3 hot yoseob pictures!

칠) your wallpaper picture right now.

팔) favorite kpop song?

구) are you an intro or outro?

십) favorite food and color?

십일) pen or pencil?


I tag: 

一. reinee 

二. lovelybunny

 三. -tainted 

四. ZEROclass

 五. mynameisKHR

 六. dashing 

七. imjustagirlnextdoor

八. love_soyeon 

九. blue77amazing 

十. PhotatoPanda 

十一. the you who is reading. yeah you. answer my questions!! Cx


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reinee 11 years ago
er, I dont understand .__.
handlewithcare 11 years ago
I will do this tmr my friend
u w u
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