rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them
001 : what do you like about me?
002 : what do you dislike about me?
003 : do you have a goal that you've always wanted to accomplish?
004 : do you consider ourselves "close?"
005 : do you like to do straight, , or yuri. (pm me if straight) and why?
006 : selca. now, 8|
007 : what got you into kpop? why and how?
008 : what is your most embarassing moment your life so far?
009 : dance/sing/rap?
010 : what is your favorite childhood movie/character/tv show?
011 : if two kpop stars were your siblings, who would it be? why? (1 female, 1 male)
1) What's not to like?
2) the fact you made this font so small I can barely read it /sobs
3) yes, i've got it set in my mind. i want to publish my book, several of my books. and it will happen.
4) hmm... not as close as we should be XD
5) i like to do all. i have a soft spot for hetero actually but i almost always end up being homo cuz no one wants to hetero... i just demand to be the male.
6) Humping them trees since 1995
7) my ex-girlfriend. even though she's a psycho i profoiundly thank her for showing me shinee. otherwise i would have never even been here. there's only one good thing that came out of that .
8) .... /cries my life
9) i dance and rap... only wish i could sing. .i compose songs, though, and get other people to sing.
10) hmmm.... bugs bunny, who doesn't like the cross dressing rabbit?
11) hmmm tough... I'd say... amber and hmm... kris
all right! here are the tagged people!
well, questions first e u e
1) who got you into kpop? or how did you get into kpop?
2) what are your favourite kpop bands (try to narrow down to five)
3) what's one thing you like about me
4) favourite fanfic? (five max)
5) hobbies?
6) who's your ultimate bias?
7) what are some turn ons in a partner?
8) will you let me put a butterfly clip in your hair?
9) who would you choose to be your siblings? (from kpop idols: one boy, one girl)
10) Pokemon: yes? no? why?
11) how did we become friends?
tagged: cinderella, deliagem, duizhang, -bulletproof, minjjangxx, superfluous, dana (what the is your rusername jfc), nishikigoi, teleportingfatguy, zodiac, taemint
god do you know how hard that was?
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