I've been thinkin....

Tags deactivating 
Ive been thinking of deactivating my accout.
everything just seems repetative now and not all that interesting anymore. Love you guys ooc but ic I'm just kind of...bleeeh.
by the way I'm a girl...and I'm black. es.
follow me on polyvore, tumblr, and...I would say instagram, kik, and twitter but I don't remember my log in to those...
anyways. Most to nearly all my characters will be on hiatus till winter break. I gotta study for the SATs...again.
ing college preperapreperation takes a lot out of a kid. Do it early you guys. Don't wait till senior year right before graduation.  You'll end up missing out on a loy of benefits a.k.a. cash flow $$$$$$$$.
alright. Ima go do my AP homework now then cry myself to sleep.


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marshmallow7 11 years ago
okay i know its reallyyyyyy late but seriously you told me that you
are a boy....LooL
and i believe it
OptimusPrime 11 years ago
Go on a long Hiatus, don't touch your account,
go study, come back whenever you think
you're good to come. BUT don't leave
just saying /sobs in a corner/ LOLwut.
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