Help me pweaseee~

hmm im in a dilemma~ -pouts- i wanna buy a new phone soon..but idk what or which phone should i buy.. Should i buy Samsung Note 3 or S4?or should i wait for the new Samsung galaxy S5 to release?


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ParkHyeMi4eva 10 years ago
I suggest S4. Note is huge. S4 is big, but still can fit in your pocket xD hehe.
_Haine 10 years ago
Note 3 has much better battery life.
-Gingerbread 10 years ago
S4. :) s4. :)
darken 10 years ago
Samsung Note 3. I'm using it now in Korea and many people are using it too. Its good
claustrophobic 10 years ago
S4 :33333333333333333333333333333333333333
nekojita 10 years ago
I'm a HTC fan baby<3
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