I wanna make a rp pt3

Ok so it's been decided the rp will be Au sister companies ran by Married couple Rain&Tablo

ok so my rps ALWAYS die and I really really don't want that to happen so I'm going to need help lots of it, I need people who have the ability to go around and advertise also I'm on my iPod most the time I'm on here so I need someone to make the rp pretty

Character wise Tablo, GD, CL, Bom, Minzy, TOP and Zelo are reserved (if anyone else please tell me I forgot)

Rain I'd prefer to be a coadmin and one of my friends on here seeing as he rans one of the companies he should have some say in what goes on

Zelo (maybe ilhoon) are going to be GTOP kid(s) I'm not sure who SkyDae, BomRi, MinTae and DaraSeung kids should be so anyone got ideas? Also GTOP can have more kids just not sure who. I think I know a girl to be ether SkyDae or BomRi's daughter but not sure which

ok so for look alikes I'm thinking TaeHyun (winner) as GD look a like and PO as TOP look a like anyone know anyone else who looks like BIGBANG or 2NE1 (the girl I'm thinking for a daughter might end up as Bom look a like)

now the ones that try to be like them I'm thinking Zico & JunHyung for GD, YoSeob for DaeSung, the deep voiced rapper of BAP (forgot his name) for TOP and of corse members of BTS though not sure who else

I also have no ideas for the companies name so if you do please tell me~ if I get enough ideas I'll prop let you guys vote on em

ok so another attempt at description~

Ever wounder what a company would be like if their artists were all similar or related? Well at (insert company name) and (insert company name) sister companies ran by the fabulous married couple Jung JiHoon (Rain) and SeonWoong (Tablo). Their most popular bands 6 member boy band BIGBANG and 4 member girl band 2NE1 and all their other artistes ether look like them or are similar to them ether in style or sounding or the children of BIGBANG and 2NE1. Care to join? We always looking for more artists.

was that good?

ok so end of this blog lol


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hologram 11 years ago
I'd join but i don't exactly understand the concept so i'll probably just stay away.
matsuoka 11 years ago
I like it c:
idk i always thought that zico kinda looks like cl
but he can't be her kid i guess
Rainydays 11 years ago
Yup yup yup that description was pretty good!
Though it will be confusing at first /nods
Now me understands!
Beomks 11 years ago
Omo I'm so excited! It's a great idea!
And omo yongguk would be TOP's look a like~
StormyThunderNight 11 years ago
Wow you have good ideas
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