My practice finally paid off

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We had solo and enemble the other day, it was very nerve racking. To have all you worked for judged. So let's begin at the week before Solo and enemble. It was a very hecktic week with big state wide tests coming up soon everyone had been feeling the pressure. And with this coing up it only stirred my mind that much more. I practiced about three hours a day, which to just inform you is not actually as long as it seems when you must practice for something to this caliber. 


The day of it was actually kind of normal, wake up at ten, eat breakfast get ready, put the insrument in the car and take off. I didn't get nervous at all, until later on but that is to be told later. I showed up two hours early so I could watch my friends performances. But I missed one of theirs and now I'm sad (;c) Moving on, so my friend PartyHardEngland plays the clarinet and her enemble was fantastic, I loved every bit of it :>




As people in our quartet began to show up, the crowds got busier. The clock was ticking closer and closer to our performance and we had been missing one person. Our lead violinist. We had stepped up in line to perform, only seconds away before we were in front of three judges awaiting our piece. Standing outside of the room, I felt strings inside me unravel like a sweater, the more and more time that ticked by the more the strings unravled and so did I. I peered over to see Miss Steige, our Orchestra teacher. "We found her, she's here." She said calmly with a smile fixed upon her face. It was like a tug of energy, happiness and relief washed over me and we were ready to perform now. 


I will be honest, I never played that piece so well. I think the pressure made me that much better. After we finished my friends and I all walked out, recieving praise was really nice, after practicing so long and hard, the people I care about most said we sounded amazing. It was heart warming. PartyHardEngland said we sounded beautiful and coming from her it meant so much to hear. We all put our things away and waited in the buildings lunch room for the results. All us friends together, I dont think anyone cared what we got, we knew we played our hearts out. Sitting together all laughing and enjoying eachother I was just glad it was a fun day. We waited and waited and waited and finally the results were posted. Me and Megu raced to the score board, eager to see.

Even now I am amazed at the score we recieved. 

A one. We got a one. Zipping through the crowd to our friends we shared the news, jumping around, hugging everyone and EVERYTHING, giving high fives and... we screaming a lot xD Work pays off. We decided that wed all go to PartyHardEnglands house and celebrate. Celebrate in our context is had a cookie throwing war and roll down hills. It was just a good day all over.


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Myungjun 11 years ago

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