Spectrum RP Confessions [IGNORE if you're not in the rp xD]



13/14/4 #56,57

To my secret anon:

I know you're in love with me but Miahnae. 

I'm not looking for anyone. I don't even know who you are.

This is the worst way to tell you how my you love me. 

I'm sorry for not talking to you. If you told me a sign maybe I might have noticed to you?

Please don't hate me. I just want you not to feel this bad. 

Like I said: My simplest advice is not to fall in love with me.



13/15/4 #63,77

To my secret anon:

Please stop! I can't handle this. I don't even know who you are.

Yes you're a coward but why do this to yourself.

I don't love you and I'm sorry but this is over the top.

Your confessions are sweet but mianhae I must reject them.

I'm not looking for anyone right now. 



13/15/4 #83

To my 2nd secret anon:

Please show me your face. I really want to see you.

Before I start dating him, reveal your face so that I can make the right decision

This is for the one who wrote confession 83. I want to see who you are.

I will not judge. I just want to know if you're the one I should be looking at instead

of him. I want to see you. 



13/16/4 #115


To Daehyun:

You're so cute oppa *laughs* I still love Kekemato.

Can I have the bunny pwease T-T



13/16/4 #120


To my secret anon:

You're not going to stop are you?

I'm quite tired of you right now.

You make it hard for everyone also

you're over passionate with your sayings.

You're a stalker and I'm sorry for being harsh

but I have not expressed any sad things to anyone

but Daehyun and my close oppas Minhyuk and Sunggyu.



13/16/4 #133


To Daehyun:

You're so cute! Aww, are you really that jealous?

Mianhae. *looks down at her feet* I feel bad now.

Oppa, I'm sorry that I'm causing you problems. 

I really just want to find this guy and slap the 

stalker because he is getting annoying



13/16/4 #148


To my secret anon:

You're annoying. I have no words to describe

how angry I am with you. Did you choose me

to make drama out of it? Well guess what, if

you ever show your face to Daehyun, my oppas and I, 

you will regret doing that to me. *in a threatening mood*



13/16/4 #148


To Daehyun:

I know you're annoyed by him. I'm annoyed by him too

I feel bad that I said all those things to him. I kind also want

to meet him even though he is annoying and a stalker. I think

he will change maybe. I don't know. *sighs* I'm causing you

pain and I'm sorry. I really am....to both of you.



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-aesthetic 11 years ago
Too many confession OTL XDD
lannister 11 years ago
l0l why did you post this? cx
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