How to slowly kill a fangirl.

Tags debate dying ranting 

So in language arts we're doing our debate unit ...

So me and my friend got "should same- marriage be legal?"

And I was really happy since I'm really passionate about that topic.

I totally support it (duhh I'm a fangirl).

But so does my opponent T-T

So we have to flip a defective coin.

Yes, you heard right.

It kept on landing on tails.

And guess what ? My teacher desides to ask one of my opponents what they want..

They said tails.

So now I get do a debate against same- marriage.




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Fatima 11 years ago
Meh. I don't agree with same marriage, however if you believe in something you should stand up for it. Perhaps ask your instructor to change the question or something?
YGentertainment 11 years ago
Tell her you refuse to do it!
Tell her you support it and it's against your will to go against something you fully support.
Kwon_Jiyong 11 years ago
Even though I'm not fond of , I still approve of same ___ marriage but yeah if you're stuck with that, I guess you have to turn the pages from the Bible or other religious paraphernalia in order to win the debate ;)
AcOsAdOr 11 years ago
Hahaha.... poor you >)
adorkably-soo 11 years ago There's no reason against it. Not that I can think of.
Kamikorosu 11 years ago
Bribe someone from the other side to switch places with you
lostheaven 11 years ago
Thats just ...........................*speechless*
cardigan 11 years ago
____ girl. That's impossible.
You gotta touch some sensitive
points thur.
05eb34c50e33534ff795 11 years ago
TT.TT that's lame OTL
whatthefuk 11 years ago
I would just throw my notes at the end and say "SCREW THIS, I AM FOR SAME-___ MARRIAGE"
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