T̿ʜ̿ɪ̿ᴇ̿ғ̿ (please join ;~;)




Mar 16, 2014 - New rp, would love a lot of people to join.


About Us

Every thief has their own way of life, either if it's just becoming a thief just for


the loot (money), find the job exhilarating, etc. There is no good or bad,


maybe so if you think of it that way. Your job is simple. Steal. Kill if you must,


but remember, don't ever let anyone, guards, citizens, no one. As for the


guards... You all have a very important task. You must keep the thieves from


continuing on from their duties, even if it means killing or capturing them.


Yet, there are a few things that you need to be weary of, some of these


thieves will give no mercy into killing you if you are in the way of their job,


even some have unimaginable powers that they possess. I would suggest you


keep an eye out and pray for your life every night. That is when they are the


most active. Listen to my words, and you just might survive...

Our Staff

Admin One | Admin Two | Admin Three | Admin Four



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